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Basic question about hosts & disks


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I hope this isn't annoying, but I have a very basic question...As I read through my syslogs I'm getting confused with all the disk and host identifiers.  I know which disks the sd(x) and disk(x) identify but then there's ata(x), md(x) and host(x). Which is which?


I'm trying to determine if I have a bad SATA card.  I've been trying to add a new disk to my unRAID server and as it tries to rebuild I get a lot of errors on ATA5 and ATA6.  It keeps reconfiguring the disks down to UDMA/33 and then freezes.  I realize this can be a cabling problem, so I changed the cables, but no luck.  So I'm going to change one of the cards, but I don't know how to tell which one is malfunctioning.  I'm including the current syslog.


Update:  I changed the cables again and the rebuild was successful, but if you look at the syslog, there still are numerous communication errors.  Can someone look at this and tell my what's going on? 


THANKS and THANKS again.


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OK, ... answered my own question about hosts & disks, just took a closer look at the syslog and worked it out.  The array rebuilt the new disk successfully but reported thousands of errors, tho the parity appears to be valid.  I decided to check the parity to see if the errors would go away and the thing froze on me again.  I think it has to be the card.  :'(

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