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New Build - NVMe for Apps?


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New user here but have been slowly working on my new Unraid 6 build for a while now.  With lots of help reading this forum, I think I've got the basics pretty much figured out (at least to the point of having an operational system). Recently I decided to complicate things by consolidating PC's and so my "gaming" PC has been virtualized to run within my Unraid PC.


My usage scenario is to be the household NAS, running one Windows Gaming PC (VM1), one Linux Desktop (VM2) and a Plex Media Server for right now.


Unraid 6.6.5


System Hardware:


i7-6700K CPU


GTX 980 4GB VC (passthrough for Win10P VM)

GTX 760 2 GB VC (passthrough for Linux VM)

4 Port USB 3.0 Controller (isolated for Win10P VM)


Array Devices:

4 TB SATA HD (Parity)

2 TB SATA HD (Disk 1)

2 TB SATA HD (Disk 2)


Cache Devices (Pool):

120 GB SATA SSD (Cache)

120 GB SATA SSD (Cache 2)


Unassigned Devices:

500 GB 970 EVO NVMe (VDisk and Docker Location)

240 GB SATA SSD (Baremetal Win10P Build)

1 TB SATA HD (Games Library)


I'm still trying to figure out the best way to configure my setup and so I wanted to post what I have and to gather some feedback. My biggest questions right now are running the VM's and Dockers on the NVMe, running my games on an unassigned hard drive and my current SSD Cache Pool (which I think is going to be my weak spot).


Thanks for any insight.


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