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One-liner to repair rsync empty directories


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It'd be cool if this was some sort of plugin or something, but I recently had a problem where rsync created ALL the directories before moving any files for an 8TB or so network copy, and proceeded to completely fill a 5TB disk until writes failed. Apparently the reason the high-water-mark setting didn't work was the first disk had enough space for all the directory entries, so the entire folder structure ended up on /mnt/disk3. I had it set to only split on top-level directories since this was for TV shows and I want all seasons to be contained in one drive only for each show. After some reading, I decided I needed to shard (love that word 💩) the folders to other disks, which would maintain the view under /mnt/user but allow rsync to put different shows on different drives. I came up with this, run from disk3's tv root:


find . -type d -empty -maxdepth 1 -print0 | \
  while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do
    DISK=$((5 + $RANDOM % 3)); 
    mkdir -p /mnt/disk${DISK}/tv && mv "$file" /mnt/disk${DISK}/tv/; 

This successfully put approximately the same number of subdirectories on each disk. Just thought I'd share and see if anyone else has solved this another way or has any suggestions. I think it'd be good if shfs could split out empty directories smartly, but that might be too much to ask or be technically impossible.

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