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Docker/Plugin Request: Varroa Musica


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Varroa is a tool made by a user on redacted to enhance the usability of automated downloading. like irssi, but much better. here's the author's write-up first.



Varroa musica

I was originally dissatisfied with autodl-irssi and wanted to hack together an autosnatcher bot in Go. Since then, varroa has grown into some sort of an assistant for your favorite tracker.
It is a tool first intended to run as a daemon that can run on your machine or on your seedbox, deeply integrated with RED, that will make some things easier for you; but a lot of commands can now be used from the command line without the daemon running.

Compiled versions are available from Gitlab, and varroa is trivial to deploy (single binary with no installation or specific rights required).


autosnatch torrents with simple but powerful filters (can filter: 100%/log/cue, perfect flac, by minimum/maximum size, by label, and by artist even for "various artists" works, etc).

blacklist users you don't much like and/or who make your buffer suffer.

gather your RED stats and monitor for sudden drops in buffer (which will automatically disable autosnatching).

generate graphs for your stats (upload, download, ratio, buffer and others) and optionally host them as a static site, either on Gitlab Pages or on varroa's own web server.

remotely send torrents to varroa with a dedicated GreaseMonkey/Tampermonkey script (also compatible with pyWhatAuto's API, and therefore with the Android App)

this script will also embed your stats graphs to your user page and will provide real-time asynchronous feedback if running varroa's embedded HTTPS server.

automatically retrieve JSON metadata & cover from RED for all torrents downloaded with varroa, and save them in the torrent's download folder.

get Android notifications for snatched torrents and stats updates with pushover.

snatch torrents and refresh locally saved metadata from the command line.

check log score from the command line.

sort downloads and use the tracker metadata to rename folders and curate your music collection.

automatically organize your downloads and library using tracker metadata through a FUSE filesystem


It does a lot. if anyone is on any Gazelle-based tracker, it is ridiculously helpful. if you are also able or willing to try to make a docker or plugin for unraid, i'm sure many many users would be eternally grateful.


thank you.


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