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  1. but it could be, right? with a program or plugin? because like i said, i don't know what those commands mean, so CLI could be risky.
  2. This may seem like a few very basic questions, but I've just sat and gone through Unraid Docs, these forums and google but I can't see anyone asking them. Background: my laptop is currently dying so I've backed stuff up to my tower, and was reading about how to dispose of a laptop where everyone is suggesting wiping then physically destroying hard drives, so while I'm in the process of that, I'm also thinking about the unraid tower: I delete things from various places (krusader (docker), filezilla (windows app not docker), qbittorrent, and recently using a Dynamix (i think) plug in which allows deletion from the unraid GUI). Are these being deleted in the same way, though? Krusader has a trash and a delete, but everything else is just delete. How do I know if they're actually being wiped or just moved? I recently deleted several TBs of data and I actually now want to ensure that it is securely erased. I have Eraser for my laptop which can do numerous passes to wipe in accordance with various protocols, but I can't see something similar for Unraid. I've seen mention of DBAN or scrub via CLI but i'd rather use an interface, too. Is a better option to use unbalance to empty a drive, preclear it, then repeat for all disks? Or is there another way to securely erase empty space? I don't want to erase entire disks, just ensure that what has been deleted is definitively gone. Thanks
  3. Thanks for replying, the IP for the NAS had not changed, and I can now access the GUI. I thought I had deleted this post as it seemed to work when I stopped using the VPN.
  4. Hi, I'm assuming this is the best place to post, I'm not great with this kind of stuff, and I thought I had installed a VPN on my desktop to be on all the time. As it happens, it wasn't connected. So I wanted to do what I could and redo kind of "home security" by resetting my router's IP address, flushing DNS and reconfiguring the VPN app (PIA). I also installed the PIA browser extension and I wonder if this is where the issue came from, so I uninstalled it. I now can't access the WebUI with the normal LAN IP address method on any browser. I can FTP in and use File Explorer, and I can even open plex via the <ipaddress>:port way, so it's connected, I scanned IP addresses on the network and it hasn't changed. I think it keeps forcing https but I always assumed it was https not http. I turned the VPN off completely and no improvement so it must be something I've done. I tried using my Tailscale app from my phone but that doesn't seem to do it like it did before, and neither can I connect from my phone anyway. I'm expecting to get laughed at for my attempts but I'm just going off google recommendations and trying to implement them, I have no prior knowledge of this subject so please give advice Thanks
  5. just installed - inputted youtube url - doesn't work
  6. just to follow up, i did the latter and am currently rebuilding my libraries. thanks to PMM it speeds it up, but still. gives an opportunity for restructure too, i guess. a shame that the statistics on tautulli have been decimated too, but oh well. i guess it's related, but the issue i was having with Plex not being able to add items to the play queue, and therefore unable to play, seems to have stopped, so that must have been an issue with that library, which then potentially corrupted the whole database
  7. thanks for that, i didn't realise that was the script itself. i ran options 1, then 2, then 3 as i thought the error message was suggesting it was necessary but even after 3 to rebuild indexes, it still says runtime error near line 1: database disk image is malformed. i have already deleted the docker container with image and reinstalled, how else do i proceed?
  8. just an attempt to either run the Stop command and then the Auto command which confirmed the need for PMS to be stopped as you can see it says (Not available. Stop manually)
  9. yeah that's what it should do, but when i tell it to, it says it needs to be done manually. so i'm not sure how it can be done
  10. confused with regards to plex DBRepair.sh no media library is working after an update, hoping this script will correct it i clicked into the container's console and navigated to running the script, but it needs the container to be manually stopped before it can do anything, which then just closes the console window i tried navigating through unraid's console to the same place, but the script won't run outside of the container not entirely sure what it's asking for... grateful for advice
  11. problem was with the AuthenticationMethod line, so undone that and got access back. all indexers are messed up so gotta redo. i hope setting a login doesn't do the same again, as it's required by sites i'm on to have
  12. sorry for this, but i haven't used jellyfin since i set it up quite a while ago, but it's asking for a username and password, neither of which i have stored anywhere (which is unlike me). i can't find any parameters in the config files i do have to turn the authentication off - how can i get in?
  13. they're all correct, though i think the API1 is... currently out of action. could that be affecting the others after it? i can't open the WebUI to alter it. never had trouble with APIs before after being set up. clicking to open the WebUI gives i think the same response as the user above, where it seems to display a JSON file
  14. dunno if i should paste the whole thing actually. 2023-09-16 06:38:25,590 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [Fatal] ProwlarrErrorPipeline: Request Failed. GET /4/api for all APIs which comes after: 2023-09-16 22:57:14,603 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [Error] ApplicationService: An error occurred while talking to remote application. [v1.7.4.3769] System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request. ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: Connection reset by peer. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (104): Connection reset by peer
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