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Help before installing UNRAID


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I currently use a FreeNAS server and I've been thinking of switching to Unraid for more flexibility. However I'd like to know if the things I have planned are possible before install.
The main purpose of the server would be NAS, in my current server I use 2 x 8 TB hard drives in a mirrored mode. I also have a thumb drive as the boot device. Would it possible to host a website (Wordpress self host for example) and also host a Telegram bot at the same time? What kind of hardware would that require? Is it possible for the bot and website to use media and files from the NAS portion?
Thank you.

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  • The main purpose of the server would be NAS, in my current server I use 2 x 8 TB hard drives in a mirrored mode. I also have a thumb drive as the boot device. - Make sure you double check that your thumb drive has non-zero GUID (just boot a trial copy of Unraid, it should be obvious). A long time ago, I forgot to check this and had to wait a few days for a replacement USB stick that has GUID. It wouldn't be anything crippling (just a new USB stick), just troublesome to request trial extension and stuff like that.
  • Would it possible to host a website (Wordpress self host for example) and also host a Telegram bot at the same time? - Yes. 2 main options are docker and VM. Docker depends on what is available in Community Applications ("CA") - if it's not on CA, you might need a tiny bit of coding skill to adapt a docker from dockerhub to work with Unraid. VM, especially in your case which sounds like you don't need PCIe passthrough, is pretty straight-forward but can be hardware dependent.
  • What kind of hardware would that require? - "It depends" is the answer. What are you running FreeNAS on? 
  • Is it possible for the bot and website to use media and files from the NAS portion? - Yes, why not?



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