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Questions regarding unRaid

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i recently switched from windows to linux and got a kvm setup to play games.


i also got a homeserver and a pretty old NAS, recently the NAS from a friend did break and it was a mess, now i thought about moving from my homeserver with windows server and hyper-v (debian vm) to unRaid but i got a few questions.


1: is ecc memory really that important?


2: is it an okay option to connect the nas volumes over usb 3 from external enclosure cases? due to the fact that my "server" is a small office pc that doesnt drain much in general but only has space for 2 2,5" drives


*The reason i dont want to turn my main pc into the unraid machine is due to the fact that i would first of all need a 3rd GPU, because i will always run linux and windows just next to it and it also has like not a lot of space for 3,5" HDD's


3. Can i connet via "virtual machine manager" to the vms to manage them?


4. does unraid come with a web interface like a normal nas/esxi install? because i dont want to always hook up a monitor to my Server.


5. Does Docker-Compose work with unraid? because except for Apache and Certbot everything else pretty much runs and is setup from 2 docker-compose files that manage Mailcow and Nextcloud etc. or is it recommended to just create a Debian VM like before instead of doing the docker things directly in unraid ?

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My $0.02


1. From what I've seen this depends on your mobo. If it's an existing system that is stable now, it should be stable running unraid.

2. I would guess this is possible (check around the forum, I bet somebody is doing it), but probably not the best for speeds or stability (makes it easier to lose drive connections, etc).

3. No clue about this, sorry.

4. 100%. You should be able to find plenty of screen shots here and elsewhere online. I have never connected a monitor to mine.

5. No clue about dockers, sorry.

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Well i actually do have an old pc with a i7 3770 that still works and 16gb RAM, but it would drain like around 100w probably isntead of my 13W Server with the 25W Nas, so it would increase my Bill by 250% running this, obv. it would be more powerful but i dont know about the performance that i gain while my current server idles at like 2% cpu most of the time and easily handles all the things i do, nextcloud...mediastreaming and so on.

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14 hours ago, Devy said:

2: is it an okay option to connect the nas volumes over usb 3 from external enclosure cases? due to the fact that my "server" is a small office pc that doesnt drain much in general but only has space for 2 2,5" drives

Although technically this is supported it is not recommended as if the drive momentarily disconnects Unraid will tend to lose track of it if it is an array drive.   It is OK for drives that are not part of the array.


14 hours ago, Devy said:

5. Does Docker-Compose work with unraid? because except for Apache and Certbot everything else pretty much runs and is setup from 2 docker-compose files that manage Mailcow and Nextcloud etc. or is it recommended to just create a Debian VM like before instead of doing the docker things directly in unraid ?

Docker compose is not supplied as standard although it is available via a plugin.   These is no built-in GUI support for docker compose so you need to drive it via CLI commands.   Unraid DOES provide GUI support for running individual containers and this seems to satisfy the vast majority of users.


14 hours ago, Devy said:

*The reason i dont want to turn my main pc into the unraid machine is due to the fact that i would first of all need a 3rd GPU, because i will always run linux and windows just next to it and it also has like not a lot of space for 3,5" HDD's

Unraid does not require a dedicated GPU as it is administered via a browser.   There are plenty of forum members who pass all GPUs to VMs.

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That is awesome to Hear, the only negative thing is that my main PC case only Supports 2 3,5" Hard Drives ( i got a small fractal meshify C)


which makes that kinda hard...i mean i still do have the 2nd pc which is a normal Tower with like 6 Slots for 3,5" HDDS.. but the sound of like just using my main pc sounds kinda good, just unfortunate that when i got the PC i already had a NAS so i only wanted a smaller Case with jsut enough space for normal ssd's next to my nvme.

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I actually made some checks with the drained Watts on my Old build and so far it looks pretty good comapred to my old NAS that also drains quite a bit...i got 3 Options now


1: Use My Second PC for it entirelly and just get some new HDD Screws


2: Use my Main PC (Which i would like) Headless and giving one GPU to my Linux System and one to my rarely used SSD.

It would have 2 Minus Points

- Only space for 2 Internal HDDs (i would probably do the Data drives internal and do the backup stuff/safety drives external if thats possible)

- i will have a little bit less CPU Power when it comes to gaming, to not just run my Linux Desktop next to my Windows like now, but also my Datastore and my little Debian Server.


3: Have the Performance loss like before that comes with running a Datastore and a small linux Server but get a new PC Case to mount all the HDDs internally.


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