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Movies data not showing at disk, but still shows inside user share?


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Short brief:  I am setting up to network my movies using XBMC.  All my movies were install directly to the disks not through my shares.  Everything that I am about to describe, I had tested using my laptop vista computer and a mybook usb storage drive, and had no issues


This morning, after XBMC ran it's scraper to get movie info, I figured I should back it up.  So I run an export of my library info, chosing to use the multi file, so that it would be stored with each of my movie files.  While it was running, with my windows computer, I decide, with no real rhyme or reason, to look at one of my movies on the disk share. 


Now is when I thought I might have a Heart attack!  I saw that the only thing that was inside my movie file was the new info that was just put there by the XBMC.  Thinking quickly, while holding my chest, I canceled the export in XBMC.


At this point, I had no idea what to do.  I told myself that there is no way the a couple of hundred gigs of data can be gone that quickly.  I went to my user share, called Movies.  Looking at the same movie, and what did I see, all of the data was there, nothing was missing at all! 


I decided that I would look at the same movie in the XBMC, all the movie info came up, no errors that said that the movie was missing.  So I held my breath and hit play. And it did play!


Now I am totally confused.  I am not sure what is happening.  I went to more movies in my user share, and each one is there, but not there at the disk share!


Thinking that this might be some kind of windows problem to view the files, I went into the file browser in UnMenu.  Same thing there.  Disks don't show the movie data, but the user share Movies does.


I went into my Syslog, going to the bottom of the list.  There was nothing that had been recorded to show anything happening.


With having to go to work, I decided in my moment of numbness, or possibly dumbness, to stop my array and power down.  Good or bad, this is what I did.  I should now say that I didn't copy the syslog, yes I should have I know.  Thought of it as soon as I hit the powerdown button.


Now I am at work, feeling sick from worry.  Wondering what to do.


How can my movies exist with movie data, in the user share, but not show the movie data in the disk share itself?  Is it hidden in some way?  Can I stop worrying about it because everything is going to be alright?  Or when I get home and power everything up, am I going to find out that I have totally messed things up?


Any help, would easy my suffering.



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Bjp999 I will try this when I can get home tonight.


I have found more info concerning this type of issue, and believe to be the same as mine:


Here's a previous post that explains this: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=6374.msg61942#msg61942 (repeated here to generate warm-fuzzies)


It is not a bug. It depends on how you configured SAMBA to map additional non-unix attributes, like the WinOS HIDDEN flag.


Look into the SAMBA options of "map hidden", "map archive", and "map system" within the smb.conf man pages.




I have read that I will need to make changes like this says:


In the current version of samba, both "map hidden" and "map system" default to "Yes".

You can easily change that by adding the following two lines to the global section of your smb-extra.conf

   map hidden = No
   map system = No


If smb-extra.conf doesn't exist in the config folder of your flash disk, create it!

The easiest is to just telnet to your server and type in the following two lines:

echo 'map hidden = No' >> /boot/config/smb-extra.conf
echo 'map system = No' >> /boot/config/smb-extra.conf



Could anyone tell me if this is still a valid way to accomplish this or is there a different way of doing it?


I hope this is the correct way to post these.

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I actually started a post over in the unRAID Server 4.5 area, thinking that it was a different situation and that was maybe the better place to have it.  Not sure if doing so was right or not.


I have attached my syslog at that forum here is link to it  http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=8718.0


We haven't had any outages, and I do run ups for all of my equipment.  It says that I it has a new parity and wants me to start and to sync it.


Sorry if I have confused things starting a new thread for this second issue


Thanks for reply!

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Does XBMC use the User Shares while updating this data? It's possible the data and movie file are on different disks. If so, you'll find the same movie directory on 2 or more different disks.



No idea about your drive issue. Didn't you post before that you had the same thing happen? Does it (the parity drive that is) appear to be a valid drive that is assigned to the server and appear as a blue ball?. It sure sounds to me that the drive has a connection issue bad enough that unRAID believed no drive was connected at all (this problem had to persist through a reboot or an array start-stop sequence as well) and then it came back again after the reboot. I would first change or at least unplug-plug the cables. Then, look at a smart history for the drive and if that looks OK then you can either just start the array or try the trust your parity procedure. If you can not do the trust my parity procedure then you're unprotected until the parity is built again, regardless of a new drive or old.




PS, many times what appears to be drive problems are really the power or SATA cables not connecting properly.


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With XBMC, when you do a library export and you select use multiple files, it stores each movies data and artwork (if selected) to each folder that the movie is stored.  This also allows you to scrape from that same place the movie info.  So any changes that you make to it can be easily scraped back.  Also can have multiple Xbmc boxes and have them scrap from them too.


Now I believe what has happened, (but can't prove until I have the array back online), is that when it was saving the info from the XBMC thru the Samba Share, that it set all the movie data to hidden on the disk share, but when looked at on my windows vista computer, My user share called "Movies" does not see them as hidden, so the are viewable there.  Which is what I refer to in the 3rd post here.


At least this is what I think, but have to deal with the other issue before I can proceed with this.


Yes I have had a parity issue before.  And this is pretty much the same.  I am running on different SATA and power cables this time.  So I am going to replace the drive this time and change out the cables again.  My SATA cables are the locking type.


The parity is showing the Blue ball, and it wants me to check mark the sync box and press start.


Please correct me if I'm wrong, once a drive shows up as a "new" drive, there is now way for it to be made to understand that it is not a "new" drive, and just start already.  Also, I am not sure if I can, get to the smart report area in unmenu.  Can I do that at the main console, if so please direct me to the how to?


Thanks for the reply,

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After reading that and a lot the the thread that it came from, I decide that I would try this.  My system is now up and running.  Parity check is running, and I will let it finish.  227 errors where found within say 15 seconds (time for me to hit refresh at the start), that is all.  I am at 21% done now, and no more errors have shown up.


I still plan to replace my parity drive asap.  And my same files that don't show the movie?  They still aren't there in disk share, but viewable in the user share.


Thanks for directing to that information, I feel a huge relief now!

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I agree with the consensus that the data that the scrapper has generated is not stored on the same disk as the movie. To prevent this in the future, use disk shares when identifying what you want your scrapper to scan or carefully set up split levels. I choose the former when I first had this happen to me.

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 They still aren't there in disk share, but viewable in the user share.

Is it possible they are on a different "disk" share than you expect?  That would explain why you see them in the user-share, but not on the disk you think they would be.

I am going to look at my folders better before I say the marked out lines


I am certain that each movie is on the disk that I am checking.  I only install movies by way of directly to the disk, and not through my user shares.  This past weekend, I had finished the renaming of my movie folders, all 1697 of them, all done at each disk.

Sound like a maybe a security issue, where the files are there but not showing. You could telnet into the box and look directly (e.g. "ls -la //mnt/disk1/Movies'). Remember Linux file/directory names are case sensitive.


I just ran this, (don't know

how to make it able to do one screen at a time) But the files that do show have permissions that look like this:


drwx--x--x          With the date and time showing when I last modified them, changing the names


And the ones that I can't see the movie data inside:


dr-xr-xr-x            And the date and time correspond to the time I ran the library export in XBMC


Could someone tell me how to make it so I can page down the screen?


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  They still aren't there in disk share, but viewable in the user share.

Is it possible they are on a different "disk" share than you expect?  That would explain why you see them in the user-share, but not on the disk you think they would be.


I agree with the consensus that the data that the scrapper has generated is not stored on the same disk as the movie. To prevent this in the future, use disk shares when identifying what you want your scrapper to scan or carefully set up split levels. I choose the former when I first had this happen to me.


You are right, I was prepared to swear that everything was where it should be.  But YOU are RIGHT.


I have a lot to learn, that is for sure.  I will have to do more studing of the splt levels to see how this should be setup to do properly.


After my Parity check finishes, I will remove the extra files.  I certainly won't be doing this again with out be much more sure of the out come.


Thanks, this really helped make my day!

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Been reading about the shares and using split levels today.  I figured out that it certainly is as confusing now as it was when I first started looking into doing an UnRAID system.  Shares I can understand.  But the split levels are alot tougher.  The problem that I just had, was certainly by my own fault for not remembering that I had done nothing to set the split level as yet.  Everything that I had been doing to load my data only involved the disk shares.  Now that I am ready to start putting my system to use, I'll need to get things setup proper.  This is something that I will deal with more over the weekend.


As for tonight, I was getting ready to set my system up to preclear my new parity drive.  I ended up making an observation.  As I was getting ready, I did a "powerdown" from my console.  I decided that I wanted to know what the parity drive would do on a power up again.  I powered up and everything was just fine.  System all up and ready.


But then I remembered, when I had powered down the other day, I did it logged in to the tower on my Windows computer.  So, I did it that way too.  First a "stop array" and then after a refresh, I did the "powerdown" from there.  Then I powered up again.  This time, my parity was a "blue ball" and it said that it was "new parity".


Is this just a fluke, or something more, I don't know, and I am not ready to pursue it.  Instead, I am still going with the idea that it is either the drive, or the cabling.  So I have the new drive preclearing with new cables on it.


Hopefully I will have things back to normal in a day or so.

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