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Docker service failed to start + Libvirt service failed to start

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So I went to sleep while my server was downloading large files using Deluge. I woke up this morning and there was a warning that my 1 TB cache drive is 91% utilized to I clicked on mover to initiate it. Then, I saw a warning in the Fix Common Problems app that my log folder or file is full, a restart will fix this....


So, I made my biggest mistake which is I rebooted the array while mover was still running, after the restart... I have no Duckers because the docker page says "Docker service failed to start"... also, I actually use no VM's but in the VM page it also says "Libvirt failed to start" 


My cache drive is still 860 GB used out of 940 GB and whenever I click on mover now, nothing happens that Fix Common Problems app tells me " Unable to write to cache .... Drive mounted read only or completely full"


I have attached my Syslog & the Cache Disk information Log as well....


I am seriously freaking out 


Please help me !! 

Syslog and cache disk log information.zip

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The syslog shows that you are getting all sorts of I/O errors on what I presume is your cache drive.  Quite why I am not sure - it looks like it might be hardware related so you probably want to check all the connections to the drive.  If that checks out OK then running a file system check on the cache drive is probably the thing to do

BTW:  It is always best (and easiest) to post the system diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) as this provides more information to those trying to help.

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So I ran scrub too and here is what I got 


scrub status for 681c0e15-d830-4a3a-9fb6-3d1521d891cd scrub started at Fri Sep 27 13:43:59 2019 and finished after 00:27:47 total bytes scrubbed: 811.84GiB with 105915583 errors error details: read=105915580 super=3 corrected errors: 0, uncorrectable errors: 105915580, unverified errors: 0


any thoughts @itimpi ?

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