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[SOLVED] NFS Availability during parity-sync?

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I've finally added a 12TB Parity drive to by 7TB unRAID server. It's doing a parity-sync as expected, but what I didn't expect was my proxmox server unable to connect to NFS during this time. "requested NFS version or transport protocol is not supported". Yet my Windows machines can still browse over SMB without any issues.


Is this normal behavior during a parity-sync?

Edited by ShiroiKuma
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That's what I expected, but wasn't too sure if that was intended or not.


A few more hours of parity-sync to go. I've attached the diagnostics zip.


I have tried disabling nfs, waiting and then re-enabling it to no affect. Until the parity-sync started NFS has been working fine for several weeks.


EDIT: Had a very random idea, and somehow it worked. I went into a share itself and switched export from yes -> no, saved it, and then no -> yes and saved it. And now I can mount the share okay. Hopefully the diagnostics can explain why this happened

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