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Intermittant crash problem.

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I am having an intermitant crash problem.  The system will be serving a movie when the movie "hangs" and I go to look at the unraid server and it has crashed.  Lots of stuff on the monitor, most of which has rolled off.


Has happened in different movies and at different spots in the same movie.  Once I restart the server all is good and the same movie plays perfectly.


Parity check says 0 errors.


How do I go about recovering the information about the Crash.  The only way I can do anything with the system is to power it down and restart it. It comes up normally and then works fine.


My system always spins up all the drives prior to the start of a movie.


Advice appreciated.

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Once your system restarts, your syslog resets.


Instructions for capturing your syslog can be found in the wiki on troubleshooting:



cp /var/log/syslog /boot/syslog-2008-04-10.txt

chmod a-x /boot/syslog-2008-04-10.txt

You can substitute the current date, or whatever nomenclature you wish.


The whole wiki is an invaluable resource, and well worth going over.



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