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Newbie needs some help

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I in the process of getting parts for my first NAS/Emby streaming box as I have outgrown my Qnap NAS.


I am just not sure which way to with a CPU/GPU ?


I had planned to use my old Ryzen 1600 with a new NVIDIA Quadro p400 but now I am just wondering if i should just go with a Ryzen 3400g instead what would people recommend?


Other question 

Currently I have 8gig of DD4 2600 should i upgrade to 16 gig 3200 ram


Current Storage

4 *  8 tb Western Digital Red drives

Planned Storage

4 *  8 tb Western Digital Red drives (from old nas)

4 *  10 tb Western Digital Red drives

1 * 1tb SSD unraid cache drive

1 * 256g SSD for Emby system files


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I 'll share my couple of cents on the assumption that cost is an issue.


You 're not mentioning if you need transcoding. If you need up to 1 or 2 transcoding streams, then it 'd be safe to go with the 1600 w/out any GPU...

If not for transcoding, the GPU is only needed to enter/configure the BIOS. Unraid itself does not need it. Unless you plan on passing a GPU through to a VM...


As for the RAM, I 'd say use your existing sticks and only upgrade later if you feel the need to.


For reference, my main Unraid server uses a Ryzen 2600 with 16G@3200 RAM and no GPU (I did put one just to configure the BIOS and then removed it). Emby can transcode one 4K stream on the CPU, no problem. Could possibly do two simultaneous 4K streams, didn't need it, didn't check for it :)

That's what my needs are. YMMV

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