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How to pass two PCIE usb controllers


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44 minutes ago, mumbles said:

Use case is for two seperate VM's one will have PCIE usb controller 1 and the other VM will have controller 2. Is the syntax essentially "append vfio-pci.ids=(controller1 here) , (controller2 here) initrd=/bzroot,bzroot-gui " or is this even possible?

Yes, this is correct.


A few notes and caveats...


If the controllers are the same (make & model), they will likely have the same id. In this case, you only need to add that id once, and both will be passeed through and available. You'll need to do a little detective work to figure out which is which.


Here's an example from my own VM config. setup where you'll see 2x PCIe adapters  (Fresco) and 2x motherboard controllers (Zeppelin) available for pass through. (other stuff also passed through). I only set the id once for each type;




However, if you are passing through motherboard controllers, be sure theres not a 3rd lurking somewhere, or it will get passed through as well. If your unraid USB happens to be plugged in there, your system will fail to boot.


Also, the controllers need to be in their own IOMMU groups, and not have any other devices in those groups with them.


Here's a section of my System Devices report where you can see the Frescos and one of the Zeppelins (the other is much further down, but also in its own group);






Edited by meep
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