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How to keep both flash drives exactly the same


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Hi, I'm just now building and buying a dual package license. I don't have my keys yet so in basic mode at the moment. Last night I was installing unmenu, screen, preclear, etc... on one of the flash drives. I would like to keep my other flash drive exactly the same as a back-up. I have installed the unraid server on both and they both boot properly. What is the best way to copy the rest of the programs and configuration over to my spare flash drive? Or, do I have to install programs and configure each one seperately?



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I have a directory on my workstation the I use to make a periodic copy of my flash drive.  When my flash drive dies (as one recently did) I copy the contents to my backup flash drive. No need to try to keep a physical flash drive in such good synchronization.

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Personally I use

dd  if=/dev/sdX  of=/mnt/disk1/unraid_flash_20101206.img


Then I copy the file elsewhere.  (of course /dev/sdX must be the device for the flash drive)


If I want to identically clone the drive I just use "dd" to write it to an alternate identically sized drive while booted on any linux live cd

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Note that a perfect clone will not work as a different key file is required on each flash drive.

Correct.  You'll need to put the correct .key file into place.  (I forgot to mention that, but all your settings will be there.)


Thanks to both of you for answering my question, I appreciate it


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