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Home Inventory Docker


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I'm creating this thread in hopes that someone out there has tried a home inventory docker and have gotten it to work with unraid.  I've been trying to get the "snipe-it" to run, without success.


This is the particular dockerhub that I've been using, but have searched on linuxserver's forums and haven't found anything: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/snipe-it. Essentially, when loading the UI (that never loads), I just get a connection refused. NGINX runs behind the scenes to handle the traffic, and I'm not seeing any errors in there either (just 500s). I'm guessing the nginx.conf needs to be updated in some way, but even doing a curl against the localhost:80 doesn't return any data, so I think the issue stems further back.

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So I've managed to get this working (ignore my trigger finger ask for help above). Apparently I was getting an error the following error in nginx/error.log:

The server requested authentication method unknown to the client [caching_sha2_password] 

This was resolved by issuing the following command on the mysql database itself:

ALTER USER 'usernameHere'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'passwordHere';

After that, connections worked fine. Still running through the setup, but will update here with a final walkthrough of what was done to get this working...I'm sure others here would like to use a similar software.

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So I've been playing around with this, and it seems way overkill for my needs. You need to create Manufacturers, Models, etc. Prior to creating assets. It'd take way to long to get this going.


If anyone else has a different Home Inventory Management software they're using (other than a spreadsheet), that allows picture uploads, please let me know!

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  • 3 months later...

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