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docker containers can't access from the Intelnet

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port mapping config:


unraid network config


unraid routing Table:


unarid docker containers:





run a docker container on vm of ubuntu server with commond "docker run --name nginx-test -p 8088:80 -d nginx"


now I have two nginx docker containers one run on unraid and another run on ubunt userver

but I can't access the the container run on unraid. same as other container which run on unraid.

so how to fix this ?

hope for your reply ,thanks!


network topography:





Edited by sheiy
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have you tried putting the nginx docker container on the br0 network and assigning it its own ip address and then changing your port forwarding on the router to point to the new docker ip address?


Also your network topography isn't very clear from your picture. Looks like you are running openWRT as  a VM and then using that as your gateway?  Yet in our diagram you have your unraid server showing to be routed to the router (  From your routing tables that doesn't seem to be the case.  You have no default route from the unraid server to the router only uraid to br0.  So if I am understanding it correctly it is actually like this:   

unraid server ( ----> openWRT VM ( -----> router  ---> modem.  


Unless you have the openWRT VM set as the DMZ you should have portforwarding setup from the router to openwrt and then from openwrt to unraid?  So it would need two different levels of portwarding.


Have you spun up another docker image besides nginx and then done all of the portforwarding to rule out ngnix being the cause?  And how about taking openwrt out of network and having a default route from unraid to the router?  This would rule out the openwrt vm from being the cause.


And how do you know all of your port forwarding is done correctly?  What makes you say that?  

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11 hours ago, mikeylikesrocks said:

have you tried putting the nginx docker container on the br0 network and assigning it its own ip address and then changing your port forwarding on the router to point to the new docker ip address?

 thanks for you reply very much. I can access nginx from the Internet when use br0



11 hours ago, mikeylikesrocks said:

Also your network topography isn't very clear from your picture. Looks like you are running openWRT as  a VM and then using that as your gateway?  Yet in our diagram you have your unraid server showing to be routed to the router (  From your routing tables that doesn't seem to be the case.  You have no default route from the unraid server to the router only uraid to br0.  So if I am understanding it correctly it is actually like this:   

unraid server ( ----> openWRT VM ( -----> router  ---> modem.  

Yes I running a openWRT as a vm and using that as my gateway. Where showing the unraid server routed to the It is just conecte to but the gateway is Yes my network is "unraid server ( ----> openWRT VM ( -----> router  ---> modem.  "


11 hours ago, mikeylikesrocks said:

Unless you have the openWRT VM set as the DMZ you should have portforwarding setup from the router to openwrt and then from openwrt to unraid?  So it would need two different levels of portwarding.

Why I need do this ?When the docker container of nginx run on UbuntuServer VM I just set the portforwarding on my router not set on openWRT.


11 hours ago, mikeylikesrocks said:

And how do you know all of your port forwarding is done correctly?  What makes you say that? 

 I set a portforwarding for unraid and I can access it from the Internet . I just copy that and modify the LAN port and WAN port to set the nginx portforwarding

why it is not correctly?


Edited by sheiy
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The problems you are having are due to your network setup and not Unraid.  You would probably get better help by asking questions on reddit r/homelab or 

r/HomeNetworking or another forum that is more specific to networking problems.


openwrt is acting as another firewall limiting access to anything on the bridge network which you proved by changing your nginx container to be on br0 which solved your problem.  If you want nginx to work on the bridge network you also need to forward ports from router to openwrt to  or you need to change your gateway to the router address.  Either solution should solve your problem.

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5 hours ago, mikeylikesrocks said:

The problems you are having are due to your network setup and not Unraid.  You would probably get better help by asking questions on reddit r/homelab or 

r/HomeNetworking or another forum that is more specific to networking problems.


openwrt is acting as another firewall limiting access to anything on the bridge network which you proved by changing your nginx container to be on br0 which solved your problem.  If you want nginx to work on the bridge network you also need to forward ports from router to openwrt to  or you need to change your gateway to the router address.  Either solution should solve your problem.

ok,I really appreciate your reply.

But I'm very curious that why when the nginx container run on ubuntuserver I can access that from the Internet?

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