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(SOLVED) Can not access an Unassigned Device in Krusader

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Hello, I am attempting to transfer all my data onto my new Unraid build. The data is on a 4TB drive that I'm connecting via USB. Unassigned Devices sees the drive, but all of the options that are usually available are not there. I've attached an empty flash drive so you can see the difference. The 4TB drive is ext4 format, but all the forums I've found say that it should be viewable using Krusader. I followed SpaceInvaders Krusader setup and I can find the empty flash drive in Krusader, but not the 4TB one.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Unassigned Devices.png


Edited by djjlav
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I originally had UD Plus installed but removed it when I started having this problem. I just removed the preclear plugin and there was no change. I unplugged the device and plugged it back in also.


I reinstalled the UD Plus and there's no change.

Edited by djjlav
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44 minutes ago, djjlav said:

I originally had UD Plus installed but removed it when I started having this problem. I just removed the preclear plugin and there was no change. I unplugged the device and plugged it back in also.


I reinstalled the UD Plus and there's no change.

You don't need UD plus.  The file system is not being recognized by UD.  Are you sure the disk is formatted?


The device is sda.  This implies that the disk was connected when the server was rebooted.  Disconnect the disk, reboot the server, then plug the disk back in.  Don't leave it connected when you reboot the server.

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OK, I did that and still no change (other than it's sdl instead of sda now). My old system was ZFS and I transferred all of my data off it onto external drives. I formatted them all in ext4 and when they were done I checked them to make sure the files were on there. So I don't understand what's stopping it from seeing the files now.

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1 minute ago, djjlav said:

OK, I did that and still no change (other than it's sdl instead of sda now). My old system was ZFS and I transferred all of my data off it onto external drives. I formatted them all in ext4 and when they were done I checked them to make sure the files were on there. So I don't understand what's stopping it from seeing the files now.

UD doesn't see a file system.  Check the disk in another system.

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I checked it in Windows and it shows the disk as unallocated and uninitialized. I downloaded Minitool Partition Wizard to see if I can recover the data. It's estimating 8 hours for this one disk and I have 11 more and most are bigger. :(


Thanks for all your help! I'm always glad to narrow down the problem.

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