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Disabling extended attributes in samba

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Hi all,

I had a weird problem I was able to track down thanks to the microsoft support.

Here is the description:

I'm using a workstation able to boot both unraid and a windows 10 os.

On windows 10 I have the main drive C:\ and an external drive D:\ (sata connected) --> both ntfs formatted.

In unraid 6.8.3 I have a mac os Catalina vm on another harddrive.

In unraid I mount with the unassigned device plugin drive D:\ and this drive is shared inside the virtual machine.

Then, from the mac os vm I backup and sync files on this mounted drive, over smb.


The issue was that once booting windows 10 I can see the new files in drive D:\, I can access them, I can zip, but I cannot move or copy to main drive C:\

Thanks to the microsoft support forum we were able to track the issue, which was extended attributes in the copied files.

By removing from the mac all the extended attributes in the mounted smb drive (xattr -rc /path-to-the-mounted-smb-drive), once booted into windows 10, I'm able to copy them from D:\ to C:\

Here is an example of a problematic file which cannot be copied from D:\ to C:\

********* File 0x000b0000000060a9 *********
Numero riferimento file : 0x000b0000000060a9
Attributi file : 0x00000020: Archivio
Contrassegni voce file : 0x00000000
Collegamento (ParentID: nome) : 0x0001000000049af2: Nome HLINK : \HD_DANIELE\LAVORO\CI_CF_Patente\CI_CF_Daniele.pdf
Data/ora creazione : 21/01/2020 16:16:49
Data/ora ultimo accesso : 09/04/2020 10:42:06
Data/ora ultima scrittura : 21/01/2020 15:28:39
Data/ora modifica : 10/04/2020 04:42:26
LastUsn : 0
OwnerId : 0
SecurityId : 408
StorageReserveId : 0
Attributi : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
Contrassegni : 0x0000000c: Residente | Nessun cluster allocato
Dimensione : 72
Dimensione allocata : 72
Flusso : 0x030 ::$FILE_NAME
Attributi : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
Contrassegni : 0x0000000c: Residente | Nessun cluster allocato
Dimensione : 112
Dimensione allocata : 112
Flusso : 0x040 ::$OBJECT_ID
Attributi : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
Contrassegni : 0x0000000c: Residente | Nessun cluster allocato
Dimensione : 16
Dimensione allocata : 16
Flusso : 0x080 ::$DATA
Attributi : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
Contrassegni : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
Dimensione : 913.112
Dimensione allocata : 913.408
Extent : 1 extent
: 1: VCN: 0 Cluster: 223 LCN: 119.623.071
Flusso : 0x080 :DOSATTRIB:$DATA
Attributi : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
Contrassegni : 0x0000000c: Residente | Nessun cluster allocato
Dimensione : 32
Dimensione allocata : 32
Flusso : 0x080 :DosStream.com.apple.lastuseddate#PS:$DATA:$DATA
Attributi : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
Contrassegni : 0x0000000c: Residente | Nessun cluster allocato
Dimensione : 17
Dimensione allocata : 24
Flusso : 0x080 :org.netatalk.Metadata:$DATA
Attributi : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
Contrassegni : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
Dimensione : 402
Dimensione allocata : 4.096
Extent : 1 extent
: 1: VCN: 0 Cluster: 1 LCN: 118.629.317
Flusso : 0x020 ::$ATTRIBUTE_LIST
Attributi : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
Contrassegni : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
Dimensione : 360
Dimensione allocata : 4.096
Extent : 1 extent
: 1: VCN: 0 Cluster: 1 LCN: 118.836.523

Full thread is available here:



Is there a way to prevent extended attributes to be copied over smb transfers with some config in the smb.conf?


This is clearly not a problem of unraid, not sure if it's a problem of samba/mac os/windows 10...


Thank you for your inputs.

Edited by ghost82
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I found the solution to the issue.

Since I'm syncing from a mac os I turned on in the samba setting the "Enhanced macOS interoperability": this was causing the issue described in the above post.

Here is the layout of the file copied with "Enhanced macOS interoperability" enabled:

********* File 0x001100000000011b *********
Numero riferimento file : 0x001100000000011b
Attributi file          : 0x00000020: Archivio
Contrassegni voce file  : 0x00000000
Collegamento (ParentID: nome)   : 0x001b000000000108: Nome HLINK   : \Test1\Testfile.pdf
Data/ora creazione        : 14/04/2020 08:20:28
Data/ora ultimo accesso   : 14/04/2020 08:20:28
Data/ora ultima scrittura : 10/04/2020 11:58:06
Data/ora modifica         : 14/04/2020 08:20:28
LastUsn                   : 0
OwnerId                   : 0
SecurityId                : 0
StorageReserveId        : 0
Flusso                  : 0x010  ::$STANDARD_INFORMATION
    Attributi          : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Contrassegni               : 0x0000000c: Residente | Nessun cluster allocato
    Dimensione                : 48
    Dimensione allocata      : 48
Flusso                  : 0x030  ::$FILE_NAME
    Attributi          : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Contrassegni               : 0x0000000c: Residente | Nessun cluster allocato
    Dimensione                : 106
    Dimensione allocata      : 112
Flusso                  : 0x050  ::$SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
    Attributi          : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Contrassegni               : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Dimensione                : 80
    Dimensione allocata      : 4.096
    Extent             : 1 extent
                        : 1: VCN: 0 Cluster: 1 LCN: 184.240.207
Flusso                  : 0x080  ::$DATA
    Attributi          : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Contrassegni               : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Dimensione                : 13.352
    Dimensione allocata      : 16.384
    Extent             : 1 extent
                        : 1: VCN: 0 Cluster: 4 LCN: 184.236.102
Flusso                  : 0x080  :DOSATTRIB:$DATA
    Attributi          : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Contrassegni               : 0x0000000c: Residente | Nessun cluster allocato
    Dimensione                : 32
    Dimensione allocata      : 32
Flusso                  : 0x080  :DosStream.com.apple.metadata:kMDItemWhereFroms:$DATA:$DATA
    Attributi          : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Contrassegni               : 0x0000000c: Residente | Nessun cluster allocato
    Dimensione                : 140
    Dimensione allocata      : 144
Flusso                  : 0x080  :DosStream.com.apple.quarantine:$DATA:$DATA
    Attributi          : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Contrassegni               : 0x0000000c: Residente | Nessun cluster allocato
    Dimensione                : 59
    Dimensione allocata      : 64
Flusso                  : 0x020  ::$ATTRIBUTE_LIST
    Attributi          : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Contrassegni               : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Dimensione                : 416
    Dimensione allocata      : 4.096
    Extent             : 1 extent
                        : 1: VCN: 0 Cluster: 1 LCN: 185.944.176

And this is the layout of the same file copied with "Enhanced macOS interoperability" disabled:

********* File 0x0007000000000122 *********
Numero riferimento file : 0x0007000000000122
Attributi file          : 0x00000020: Archivio
Contrassegni voce file  : 0x00000000
Collegamento (ParentID: nome)   : 0x001700000000010c: Nome HLINK   : \Test2\Testfile.pdf
Data/ora creazione        : 14/04/2020 08:35:56
Data/ora ultimo accesso   : 14/04/2020 08:35:56
Data/ora ultima scrittura : 10/04/2020 11:58:06
Data/ora modifica         : 14/04/2020 08:35:56
LastUsn                   : 0
OwnerId                   : 0
SecurityId                : 0
StorageReserveId        : 0
Flusso                  : 0x010  ::$STANDARD_INFORMATION
    Attributi          : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Contrassegni               : 0x0000000c: Residente | Nessun cluster allocato
    Dimensione                : 48
    Dimensione allocata      : 48
Flusso                  : 0x030  ::$FILE_NAME
    Attributi          : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Contrassegni               : 0x0000000c: Residente | Nessun cluster allocato
    Dimensione                : 106
    Dimensione allocata      : 112
Flusso                  : 0x050  ::$SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
    Attributi          : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Contrassegni               : 0x0000000c: Residente | Nessun cluster allocato
    Dimensione                : 80
    Dimensione allocata      : 80
Flusso                  : 0x080  ::$DATA
    Attributi          : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Contrassegni               : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Dimensione                : 13.352
    Dimensione allocata      : 16.384
    Extent             : 1 extent
                        : 1: VCN: 0 Cluster: 4 LCN: 184.236.106
Flusso                  : 0x080  :DOSATTRIB:$DATA
    Attributi          : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Contrassegni               : 0x0000000c: Residente | Nessun cluster allocato
    Dimensione                : 32
    Dimensione allocata      : 32

As you can see, in the second case the following attributes are stripped out and I'm able again to copy files from D:\ to C:\ in windows 10:

Flusso                  : 0x080  :DosStream.com.apple.metadata:kMDItemWhereFroms:$DATA:$DATA
    Attributi          : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Contrassegni               : 0x0000000c: Residente | Nessun cluster allocato
    Dimensione                : 140
    Dimensione allocata      : 144
Flusso                  : 0x080  :DosStream.com.apple.quarantine:$DATA:$DATA
    Attributi          : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Contrassegni               : 0x0000000c: Residente | Nessun cluster allocato
    Dimensione                : 59
    Dimensione allocata      : 64
Flusso                  : 0x020  ::$ATTRIBUTE_LIST
    Attributi          : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Contrassegni               : 0x00000000: *NESSUNO*
    Dimensione                : 416
    Dimensione allocata      : 4.096
    Extent             : 1 extent
                        : 1: VCN: 0 Cluster: 1 LCN: 185.944.176

As I can read from the man page, "vfs objects = fruit" is added to the samba config.

Can I have confirmation of what it is added to the samba config when "Enhanced macOS interoperability" is enabled, so I can help for the solution in other forums?



Edited by ghost82
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