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Cache Drive filling up (99%)

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I've been running unraid for about 6 months or so, without any issues.  Within the last couple weeks I've started getting warnings that my cache drive is getting full:


Event: Unraid Cache disk disk utilization

Subject: Alert [LEVIATHAN] - Cache disk is low on space (99%)

Description: ADATA_SU800_2J1820009460 (sdb)

Importance: alert


I installed Boinc a few weeks back so wondered if that was the issue.  I also wonder if perhaps its an issue with Plex starting to take up space, as I've recently added a new TV show, and have one local user that is having to transcode down to lower quality.  Not sure if that process would cause temporary data to be written to the cache.


I've now stopped Boinc, and run the mover.  I'm back up to 18GB free on a 1TB SSD cache.


Diagnostic logs attached.


Any advice appreciated!


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