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Faulty parity now mia

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My parity drive was marked as faulty that was only a year old, and no idea how long it's actually been faulty, as I don't check the webUI often. So I took array offline, unassigned parity, and restarted array to it would forget the parity to try and rebuild. However now the drive isn't even an option to select in the menus, is it toast or am I missing some other option?


If it's helpful I did a lshw -class disk in the terminal and the disk isn't there either


Also a side question since I've never thought about this until now, if the drive is indeed toast how do I physically know which one it is? My drives are both the same brand/size so not actually sure how to physically ID it.



Also here is a download of the Diag files

Edited by rabidduck
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Unraid tracks drive by serial number so make sure you have a screenshot available of the Main tab that shows the current good drive.


have you power cycled the server?    Sometimes this is necessary to make a drive that has dropped offline visible again.    If the drive is not visible after a power cycle I would say it is almost certainly dead (unless a cable for power/SATA to the drive has come loose).


have you made sure that you have Notifications enabled as if so you should have got an email telling you about the problems with the parity drive?   

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