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Notifications via Email w. GMX

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So I just got a gmx account and went to add it to my unraid:


here's what i've inputed:

preset service: GMX.com

sending email address: (myaddress)@gmx.com
Email recipients: my gmail address

Priority in Header: Yes

Email Subject: unRaid Status:

Mail Server: smtp.gmx.com

Port: 465

SSL/TLS: yes

Starttls: no

Define a tls: no

authorization method - login

username - (myaddress)

password - (my gmx password).


doesn't work.

Meanwhile - i've got it working for my calibre notificaiton and that uses mail.gmx.com and port 587 - i've tried that here and i get a "Cannot open mail.gmx.com:587" error message.


Any ideas?

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