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pfsense for VM / docker network WITHOUT rest of the house?

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So I'm in the UK and the included Virgin Media router you get is pants so for my VM setup one of which is a game server I was thinking to use this as a learning exercise by building up a pfsense VM. Now having the rest of the family here (and specifically given everyone is living of the internet during COVID lockdown) I wanted to give myself some pfsense flexibility without effecting the rest of the home network. 


My goal is to be able to pass unraid docker and VM's so they only go out to the internet via the pfsense VM then I can control ports etc and get a few advanced features like OpenVPN config for routing docker internet and possibly an option to VPN back into my network for remote admin of game server?


I was wondering if it would work / be secure to use the home router's DMZ IP option to set pfsense's WAN as the DMZ address and just connect the WAN to my existing house network switch.


In my setup I'm passing a 4 port intel card to the pfsense VM but If I were to just pass 2 ports (for WAN and LAN), could I then connect LAN to another nic which is visible to unraid to act as a bridge between pfsense and unraid so I can tell dockers / VM's to use that network interface, putting them on the pfsense managed LAN?


Any advice much appreaciated here as you can likely tell, networking isn't my area at the best of times and thowing unraid / VM's in the mix is just confusing me a little.


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