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Persist contents of /root/ between reboots

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Is it possible to make the contents of /root/ persisted to the flash drive between reboots?


Or if this is already the case, how do I go about editing these files from outside of unraid?


Does that export its own shell inside of a docker container accessible only via the web shell? Or does it restore the actual contents of /root and /user/ in the real unraid os. 


Basically my use case is that I need some custom scripts to deal with copying files from NTFS drives over to the unraid share, whilst retaining all of the hardlinks instead of doubling the data, as I have 26TB of content but every single file has at least 2 different hardlinks to organize raw files into normalized named files.


Also I forgot to mention, I am using VSCode over SSH to edit the files, so a web terminal doesn't really work it needs to be the real unraid OS.


Apparently, rsync can just... do this... like, ya know, people thought of this before and implemented the solution 30 years ago.




I was originally going to copy the data over the Sambda network drive, which wouldn't have worked, but if I just mount my drive into my unraid and do the copy in linux from unassigned-devices to /mnt/user/Share then it just works.

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