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Problems with using Win 10 "tags" on smb share

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Hi guys,


to start with I want to apologize if this is the wrong area for this question/problem since I suspect it's not directly related to unraid itself.


The reason why I ask this question here despite probably having something to do with SMB itself is that I feel like this is a really awesome and helpful community of people that maybe already had that problem before (but I couldn't find a topic in this forum or else I would have asked there).


So to my question/problem: 
I am in the process of organizing my photos and videos, and I was trying to use the Windows integrated tag system but especially with larger photos or videos I noticed that the files get "copied" or "moved" when I finished editing the tags. Which makes editing tags of large video files pretty much unusable, since it can take multiple minutes to "just edit a tag".
Is this an expected behavior with SMB shares or can that be changed with a special SMB setting for my shares? (I am guessing it could have something to do with file change dates or something but couldn't find reliable information about that).


Thanks in advance for your expertise.

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