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Linux File Copying Question


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Sorry I am not too familiar with Linux and need help. 


1-When I used this copy command, "cp -r /mnt/tower1/Music/* /mnt/user/Data/Music/",

all the files copied into the target folder have the current date and time (when it was copied).


Is there anyway to copy files from the unraid console to retain the original date and time of the files?

Copying from a remote computer (Windows File Explorer) will retain the file attribute but it will take too long to copy.


2-When I used the "rsync -av --stats --progress /mnt/tower1/Music /mnt/user/Data/" command, I have noticed that it is not copying any new files to the target location.

A few instructions on the forum here told to use rsync to move files from one server to another. I was missing files with this command. Maybe this is not the right way? But should use "cp -r"



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