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just added the supermicro SATA card and a Drive

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Just wondering if someone could have a look at the syslog.  I believe everything is good.  Drive is in the array now.  The only thing was that it came in at SDB and shifted everything down one.  No problem, Unraid picked everything up ok.


Previous I have been up for more than 100days without an Issue. (Hopefully I haven't cause any now)





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Just to make you feel a little better with not actually answering your question, mine did a similar thing which was putting my drive SDA. More than likely unRAID will look at the PCIE bus first and initialize what ever you have installed there first, then works it way to the SATA ports.

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Just to make you feel a little better with not actually answering your question, mine did a similar thing which was putting my drive SDA. More than likely unRAID will look at the PCIE bus first and initialize what ever you have installed there first, then works it way to the SATA ports.

unRAID internally uses the PCI addresses when affiliating assigned disks to logical slots in the array.  It does not matter if the /dev/sdX names change from one boot to another.  They are assigned by the OS as hardware initializes.  (typically it initializes in the same order on a given server, but it can change from one boot to another)
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