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Encrypted array, keyfile, passphrase, cannot start array?

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So I don't know if this is a bug or I'm just really doing something wrong here but I set up my encrypted array (with a passphrase) to automatically download a keyfile from ftp on the start of the array  --- using techniques found in this forum with the go file.  Sometimes it works ok, sometimes it doesn't .. especially when the ftp server with the keyfile is not running.


In that instance I'm at the Array Operation screen where the Encryption status is Missing key.  I attempt to start the array by inputting my encryption key (passphrase) and hitting start.   The result is that it continues to tell me that my key is missing.


I can't do anything at that point except to hit Delete.  And try again.


I put in the passphrase, and hit start ......... key is missing.


Rinse and repeat.  I cannot start the array with the passphrase whatsoever.


I check /root/keyfile in the console after hitting start and the keyfile has been created with 0 file size, no data written to it.  <-- bug?


I change it to keyfile and input my downloaded keyfile --- will not start.  Missing key.


I'm about to restart the server..... again... and hope that it starts the array this time with the keyfile..   but what the hell is going on? Is Unraid's encryption routine completely screwed up? Or what am I doing wrong here?

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