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[Solved] Server Move – USB Stick with registered key but new Config

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One of my Unraid Servers is moving to a new hardware platform. I decided to setup from scratch, including dockers, plugins and data drives. So far everything goes as planned.


Now in the old system I have the registered USB Stick and on the new system I have a trial key (also new USB Stick).


What I would like to do is, once finished, to copy the entire config from the new USB Stick onto the old, after I cleaned the old USB Stick except the key file and use the old USB Stick in the new system.


Which files do I need to look out for? Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by UnraidDuck
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The configuration files specific to the new server will be put completely onto the “old” USB Stick. Only one xxx.keyfile out of the config folder needs to be put back onto the original USB Stick and all worked fine. The old USB Stick is also the one that is registered with Unraid. To be sure I also deleted the trial.key out of the config folder.

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