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[SOLVED] Weird stuff happened

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I added new disks to my array yesterday all was well. Today I try to watch plex and it says it is not available, I look at my dockers and I have none except for Krusader?  What happened to my UnRaid OS where have all my dockers gone? Can anyone tell me what happened?? I didn't even restart my server? I had just setup sonarr and qbittorentvpn and it was working for days.  I see all the docker apps in the appdata share on the cache drive but it is not starting them or even listing them under dockers. It also doesnt auto start my array anymore when I reboot the server. The only thing I can think of is when mover ran last night it messed something up. 

mediahog-diagnostics-20200810-0844.zip mediahog-syslog-20200810-1545.zip

Edited by whitewraith
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I am not sure if this was the right thing to do but I just reinstalled the dockers and pointed their config locations to the appdata share on the cache drive.  They then started up and all the info was there. Maybe when I moved the appdata file to the cache I forgot to repoint them? Not sure why the mover operation last night caused and issue and the appdata file was moved along time ago. I am kinda scared to do a reboot on the server tho.

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