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3rd Party Cookies and Chrome 84+ (embedding Unraid into Home Assistant)

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So I was trying to embed my Unraid dashboard in a panel (as an IFrame) on Home Assistant and it was telling me that cookies must be enabled to login.


Did some research and turns out in Chrome 84+, 3rd party cookies served via HTTP (and not HTTPS) are blocked unless they have the proper SameSite attribute. A third party cookie needs to have the following in order for the browser to accept the cookie


SameSite=None; Secure


Is there any way we can have this added to the Unraid Web UI so that we can embed the page in IFrames?


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If you're using just HTTP (and not HTTPS) then adding 'Secure' to the cookie will just prevent it from sending over HTTP.


What I think you really need, when your using just HTTP, is:



You can test this temporarily by running this command in your Unraid terminal:

sed -i 's/samesite=strict/samesite=lax/g' /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/local_prepend.php

and then Logout and Log back in to the Unraid web UI to refresh the cookie with the new samesite=lax settings.



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  • 8 months later...

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