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Flash drive becoming a mountable drive after few hours of uptime

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Hi gents,


It's been twice in 2 days that I figured out my flash drive was becoming a mountable in the unassigned devices section.

For that reason, docker and VM tabs are missing and the overall GUI is kind of messed up a little bit.


When I reboot unraid, everything is back to normal (and it will run a parity check).


My flash drive is plugged in a  USB2 port. I am wondering what is going on? I don't think I changed any settings.


Any idea?

Thanks :D

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If this happens then it means the drive dropped offline temporarily and then came back online (which causes a new /dev/sdX type id to to be assigned at the Linux level) so it is no longer mounted at /boot.  Quite why this is happening for you is unknown without more to go on.  Is there any chance the USB stick is not firmly in the port, or could something have slightly dislodged it?

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