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Docker open port only opens in ipv6.


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Hi im pretty new to Unraid but worked alot with linux and network.

The other day when I was test running Unraid and wanted a friend in on my server (Ark game server) and it did not answer.


After some trials and nmapping I figured out that the ports where closed but showed as started and open in  docker dropdown.


So I went to the console to find out via netstat -ln that the ports where not listening on the ipv4 anymore but where open in ipv6.


known issue?


And how do I make it work again?


tried restart the containers and the whole server but they end up the same.

Some containers still work but most have stopped showing up on ipv4


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  • 3 weeks later...

Seems like something jumbles up with the docker service when U install new dockers sometimes. I got it to work but only after shutting down all dockers and restart the docker service. It did not help to just restart the servers or just the docker containers I had to shutdown the whole docker service and then start it again to get it working again.

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