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New Raid Set up - Hard Disk error checks

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I set up a raid array with a bunch of older hard disks I had lying around. 

There is no data at all in the array. ( I just fired it up ) 

I see that a bunch of disks show SMART errors. 

Before I start adding data to the array, I wanted to get your opinions on if the disks are completely toast 

I have attached the diagnostics zip. 

Please let me know if you need more information 




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Disk3 looks like it might be problematical as it has 16 Pending Sectors that are not being read reliably (although they might go away when they are next written to).   Unraid requires all drives be 100% reliable on reading to be able to recover a different drive if it fails.


the other disks look OK as they only appear to have CRC errors which are connection related ones.    The normal advice for such errors is to carefully check the SATA and Power cabling to the drives.   CRC error counts never get reset and can only increase  so if you click on the orange icon and select the option to acknowledge the error Unraid will then only prompt you again if the value increases.

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