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[support] unraid won't give me back the size of a share i deleted?

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i know a couple of other people have had this issue in the past and i have gone through both of those post and tried all the solutions and nothing has helped.


so here is the story, i just recently found the "lanchae" docker that replaced the "steamcache" docker. i wanted to start using that and free up all the space from the steamcache share and recreate one for the lancach. so i uninstalled the steamcache docker and used MC to remove the steamcache share from all the discs and got empty to the point that i had my little "delete" check box. went ahead and deleted it and it's definitely gone, but my total free space has not changed.




(i dont know why, but it wouldnt let me insert the image with the button)


please help me out here, i have no idea what i'm doing!


Edited by ottofragger
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  • 3 months later...
  • ottofragger changed the title to [support] unraid won't give me back the size of a share i deleted?

Not exactly sure what you're referring to with the free size..  the devices list shows that you have 3.38TB free, and the shares list shows that you have 3.38TB free.


If you're referring to the discrepancy of the system share that has 5.36TB that's because it's also using your cache drive as a storage location..  3.38+1.98=5.36


appdata shows 1.98 because it's only using the cache drive


So what are you expecting for free space?  Your array drives have 3.38TB free, no more, no less.


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  • 2 weeks later...

hmm, hadn't ever looked at it like that before. i also don't remember it ever calculating my free and used space like that before either, before i got rid of steamcache.


sorry, its been so long i don't really remember the details about this anymore. i think what i can remember though is that aside from how things look in the pic, i don remember that after deleting steamcache, i didn't get any free space back. i also remember that the size of my steamcache was around the 2tb size.


i hope this helps, im still think i have some kind of a problem and the worst thing is, is that i don't even know enough to give good information about it.

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