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[support] vinid223's Google Cloud Storage Backup

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This container allows you to backup your local files to a Google Cloud Storage bucket with simple configuration and flexibility.


This container works just like @joch S3Backup container.

You simply need to mount your local directories into the /data volume in the docker image, add the required variables to authenticate you to GCloud as well as the bucket name to use. You can also configure custom options for your backups and custom cron to automatically backup your local files.


There is a complete example on how to use this image on the Github page as well as the Docker Hub page.


There is a template available here for Unraid https://github.com/vinid223/unraid-docker-templates


If you have any questions, bug or requests you can ask here.







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  • 2 weeks later...
40 minutes ago, DK_ATL said:

Does this, or can this, sync directories? that is pull and push?


I am not aware if gsutil supports both ways for sync. You can check the options here https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/gsutil/commands/rsync#options


You can use the `-d` option to delete remote files when they are deleted locally. But be careful with that option, it deletes without a confirmation so be sure to set the remote bucket and local folder correctly to not lose anything.


There might be a way to do it according to this stackoverflow answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/1602348/3900435 which implies that you run 2 instances of the image with reverse folder. If you try this, please do this with an empty folder and empty bucket to test it out.


Let me know of your results. I might add an option to do this with a single instance of the image.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/7/2021 at 10:43 AM, vinid223 said:


I am not aware if gsutil supports both ways for sync. You can check the options here https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/gsutil/commands/rsync#options


You can use the `-d` option to delete remote files when they are deleted locally. But be careful with that option, it deletes without a confirmation so be sure to set the remote bucket and local folder correctly to not lose anything.


There might be a way to do it according to this stackoverflow answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/1602348/3900435 which implies that you run 2 instances of the image with reverse folder. If you try this, please do this with an empty folder and empty bucket to test it out.


Let me know of your results. I might add an option to do this with a single instance of the image.

ah! gsutil is Google Cloud storage not Google Drive storage.  Thanks for the response though!  I have rclone going, but it is not a sync tool. 

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