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Help with libz.so.1

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Hello everyone,


Sorry if this isn't the right place to put this, but I have a question. I am running a CSGO server in a docker, and trying to get a database connection to a mysql server running for the plugin Multi1v1. Now I get an error saying: [10] file "dbi.mysql.ext.so": libz.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. I thought this would be an easy fix (only making sure I got this file and the permissions are there), but ohh boy do I think I was wrong. After 4 days of trying to fix this myself i'm trying to ask you guys.


It is telling me the file or directory does not exist. But you can see it here with all the permissions (I dont like giving somthing 777 permissions but that was my last resort)image.png.efdfdfb4ec9b50d6c8b442528b200f0d.png

It is located in /lib64 


Anyone can help me in the right direction or can help me all the way?


Thanks in advance!

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Thank you that actually helped me out further, now I get the container to recognize the file. But now I get the issue that it is a 64bit file instead of a 32bit, do you have anyclue where I can find a 32bit for unraid? I can find a lot of files that are not for slackware, but not yet slackware compatible.

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I fixed it!!

20 hours ago, itimpi said:

At what level was that error message being generated?    If it was at the container level then the file has to exist at the correct location inside the container itself.

This helped me out so much!


I ended up running a VM with ubuntu, downloaded the right file in 32 bit emailed it to myself and moved it to the right server spot. I cannot thank you enough, but I also feel stupid that I did not think of this before.

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