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Can't get a new build to boot from the USB stick. I feel like I've done things right...

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Hello!  I'm sure this comes up a good bit, so please feel free to redirect me if there's a more appropriate place to sort this out.

This is my first time using unRAID.  I have a new build machine.  It a Gigabyte H410M S2H motherboard, Core i3 processor, 4Gb of RAM and 1 unformatted sata drive (for now.)  The memory stick is plugged into a USB 2.0 port directly on the motherboard, not the front port.


I created the memory stick using unRAID USB Creator 1.6 on my Windows machine, choosing the stable release.  I ran makebootable.bat as administrator just to be on the safe side when it didn't work the first time.  That didn't work either.


The machine boots to bios fine, and recognizes the USB stick, which is first in the boot order,  but it still boots to bios. 


To test the machine configuration I reformatted the same USB stick to an Ubuntu boot image and plugged it into the same USB port, which was recognized by the computer and Ubuntu booted up just fine.  When I reformatted the USB stick back to unRAID the machine just booted to BIOS again.

I'm out of ideas. Any of you good people have any suggests for tries or tests?


Thank you!

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Do you have the USB stick set up to support legacy boot or UEFI boot?    If UEFI boot is enabled their will be an EFI folder rather than a EFI~ (i.e. no trailing ~ character) - you can always simply rename it if necessary.   The symptoms suggest it might be trying to boot in the wrong mode.   I do not know why the USB Creator tool does not always leave both options enabled as standard.

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