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Did I screw up my Server? messing around with parity drive


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I need help figuring out what I did wrong.

My system

4 10 TB drives.   1 10 TB parity drive, 3 10TB data drives.  I just added two 12 TB drives to my system and after my 64 hour pre-clear I tried to install them and I got the Disk in parity slot is not biggest.  So I added one of my new 12 TB as parity 2 and my server started the parity copy procedure.  Here is where I think I messed up.  After the copy was finished I stopped my server and unassigned my 10TB parity drive.  I then unassigned my 12 TB and tried to put it in Parity 1 slot but it wouldn't allow me to do that.  I was able to restart my array with my new 12 TB parity 2 drive, but now I no longer have a parity 1 drive.  I only have a parity 2 drive.  Is this an issue?  do I need to worry about this?  Was there other steps I needed to take or did I hose myself?  Full disclosure when I turned my array back on I also added a second 12 TB drive to my data disks when I restarted.  I have not added any new content to my server but I have added in the new drive.  My old 10TB parity drive is still in my server, it is just not assigned to anything and is waiting around for me to do something with it.  So what do I need to do to fix my screw up?

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Parity1 and Parity2 use different calculations so they are not interchangeable.


It is perfectly valid to run with Parity2 and no parity1 although some people find it annoying.


If you want to switch parity2 to become parity1 then you can rebuild parity1 by doing the following:

  • Stop array
  • Unassign Parity2
  • Start Array.  This is to let Unraid 'forget' the parity2 assignment.   Not sure this step is actually necessary but it will do no harm.
  • Stop array
  • Assign the drive to parity1
  • Start array to build the parity1 contents

Note that if you go this route your array will be unprotected until the build of parity1 is completed.

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