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  • [6.10.0-rc1/6.10.0-rc2d] USB Passthrough to VM not working correctly [Manual XML solution available]

    • Minor



    Since 6.10.0-rc1 a USB device I have passed through to a HASSIO VM (deCONZ Conbee II) has stopped working, with Home Assistant not being able to establish a connection although it does appear in the system. This worked fine in 6.9.2 and also works fine when passed into a HASS Docker, a new VM with a brand new install did not solve the issue either and a different Conbee II which is also working fine does not work when passed into the VM.


    Steps to reproduce: Plug in Conbee II, pass-through to VM, attempt to communicate (/dev/serial/by-id/...).


    Any help would be appreciated. Please let me know if you need more info.



    edit: Also happening in safe mode and 6.10.0-rc2d


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    I am also experiencing this issue.  If I roll back to 6.9.2 it works as usual.

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    Same here. I experienced issues with my Conbee II stick on Hass.io VM. When i rolled back in 6.9.2 everything worked like a charm

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    i just got a conbee2, this explains why it isnt working, tnx! :P 


    Posted (edited)

    The default way to passthrough the device in unRAID doesn't have the device showing up as serial device in Hassio VM - the new auto discovery feature however in HA does still find the device though which makes it confusing as all looks well but you can't setup the ZHA integration or deCONZ add-on.


    I was able to overcome this by editing the XML and forcing the USB to pass through to the VM as a Serial USB and not the default way unRAID does it.


    I have my Conbee II passed through to a VM in 6.10.0-rc1 and working perfectly.


        <serial type='dev'>
          <source path='/dev/serial/by-id/<yourusbid>'/>
          <target type='usb-serial' port='1'>
            <model name='usb-serial'/>
          <alias name='serial1'/>
          <address type='usb' bus='0' port='4'/>


    The new auto discovery in HA won't work with this method - which is odd - but the device is there in HA and you can setup the ZHA integration or deCONZ add-on just fine.



    Edited by danioj
    • Thanks 2


    2 hours ago, danioj said:

    The default way to passthrough the device in unRAID doesn't have the device showing up as serial device in Hassio VM - the new auto discovery feature however in HA does still find the device though which makes it confusing as all looks well but you can't setup the ZHA integration or deCONZ add-on.


    I was able to overcome this by editing the XML and forcing the USB to pass through to the VM as a Serial USB and not the default way unRAID does it.


    I have my Conbee II passed through to a VM in 6.10.0-rc1 and working perfectly.


        <serial type='dev'>
          <source path='/dev/serial/by-id/<yourusbid>'/>
          <target type='usb-serial' port='1'>
            <model name='usb-serial'/>
          <alias name='serial1'/>
          <address type='usb' bus='0' port='4'/>


    The new auto discovery in HA won't work with this method - which is odd - but the device is there in HA and you can setup the ZHA integration or deCONZ add-on just fine.



    This works, thanks! However, there must've been a change from 6.9.x to 6.10.x that triggered this being necessary, so I'll leave this unresolved for now.

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    There was this in the VM logs that may be the reason

    2021-09-13T09:26:37.013298Z qemu-system-x86_64: -chardev tty,id=charserial1,path=/dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_elektronik_ingenieurtechnik_GmbH_ConBee_II_xxxxxxxxxx-if00: warning: The alias 'tty' is deprecated, use 'serial' instead

    • Like 1


    6 minutes ago, Bruceflix said:

    There was this in the VM logs that may be the reason

    2021-09-13T09:26:37.013298Z qemu-system-x86_64: -chardev tty,id=charserial1,path=/dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_elektronik_ingenieurtechnik_GmbH_ConBee_II_xxxxxxxxxx-if00: warning: The alias 'tty' is deprecated, use 'serial' instead

    That makes sense now. At least we have a solution. Would be nice for unraid to allow to pass through as a serial via GUI. 



     Hi all , I am new to unraid I too am struggling to load Conbee11 in  6.10.rc2 works fine in 6.9.2


      this is the first time i have tried to to change the xml file and i struggling because the text colours are not matching some time i get  green but the next set are always red.

     I noticed in the xml file that the  Conbee is showing in sources  in the entry 126-131. as per attached.

    Any advice on how to complete this task would be appreciated

    Screenshot 2021-12-10 at 15.52.44.png

    Screenshot 2021-12-10 at 15.44.54.png



    2 minutes ago, mikey6283 said:

     Hi all , I am new to unraid I too am struggling to load Conbee11 in  6.10.rc2 works fine in 6.9.2


      this is the first time i have tried to to change the xml file and i struggling because the text colours are not matching some time i get  green but the next set are always red.

     I noticed in the xml file that the  Conbee is showing in sources  in the entry 126-131. as per attached.

    Any advice on how to complete this task would be appreciated

    Screenshot 2021-12-10 at 15.52.44.png

    Screenshot 2021-12-10 at 15.44.54.png



    Hey, simply add under </memballoon>


        <serial type='dev'>
          <source path='/dev/serial/by-id/<yourusbid>'/>
          <target type='usb-serial' port='1'>
            <model name='usb-serial'/>
          <alias name='serial1'/>
          <address type='usb' bus='0' port='4'/>



    You can find the ID by going to the terminal and typing in

    ls /dev/serial/by-id/

    you'll see the Conbee there, simply copy that sting and paste it into the XML. Let me know if i have not explained myself well enough :)



    7 minutes ago, aguilaair said:



    Hey, simply add under </memballoon>



    You can find the ID by going to the terminal and typing in

    ls /dev/serial/by-id/

    you'll see the Conbee there, simply copy that sting and paste it into the XML. Let me know if i have not explained myself well enough :)

    Sorry where do i add <memballon>  at the end of the xml say line 137?  Do i paste or type the above section into xml ? and do I replace  source path with the  contents  attached.


     Apologise for these what may seem simple question.

    Screenshot 2021-12-10 at 16.18.14.png



    2 minutes ago, mikey6283 said:

    Sorry where do i add <memballon>  at the end of the xml say line 137?  Do i paste or type the above section into xml ? and do I replace  source path with the  contents  attached.


     Apologise for these what may seem simple question.

    Screenshot 2021-12-10 at 16.18.14.png


    Yes, you can add it at line 137, it will work just fine



    15 minutes ago, NickI said:


    Yes, you can add it at line 137, it will work just fine

    sorry  do i add </memballon> and then <serial type='dev'> <source path='/dev/serial/by-id/
    usb-dresden_elektronik_ingenieurtechnik_GmbH_ConBee_II_DE2415359-if00/> <target type='usb-serial' port='1'> <model name='usb-serial'/> </target> <alias name='serial1'/> <address type='usb' bus='0' port='4'/> </serial>


    like so ?  and change the port from 4 to 1 as this is the port that the conbee ll is on at the moment. ?



     Hi  I have  managed to input the xml code  I have this error , As i said i am new to linux and xml i obviously have it formatted incorrectly , tried several solution but still get the creator error as below.


     Any advise would be appreciated.

    Screenshot 2021-12-10 at 17.35.33.png



    chnage the line <memballoon> to </memballoon>



    Amended as  mentioned now i have a similar error on line 46 checked this is seems fine  inserted /  but text turned red. I didn't touch anything in this area ?


     Sorry ,so frustrating 

    Screenshot 2021-12-10 at 17.57.15.png

    Screenshot 2021-12-10 at 17.56.40.png



     i have been able to insert the  xml  for the serial port , however it is still not working still receive message in logs  below.


     I am looking for help  or do in need to revert back to  6 9.2 . reason  for going to  6.10 rc2  so that i could install window 11 which is working  fine .


    Any advice for this newbie ???

    Screenshot 2021-12-10 at 20.40.59.png



    1 hour ago, mikey6283 said:

     i have been able to insert the  xml  for the serial port , however it is still not working still receive message in logs  below.


     I am looking for help  or do in need to revert back to  6 9.2 . reason  for going to  6.10 rc2  so that i could install window 11 which is working  fine .


    Any advice for this newbie ???

    Screenshot 2021-12-10 at 20.40.59.png


    Make sure it is not ticked in the UI editor:



    Click save, then paste the new piece again directly through the XML editor.



    1 hour ago, aguilaair said:


    Make sure it is not ticked in the UI editor:



    Click save, then paste the new piece again directly through the XML editor.

     Removed  from UI editor and pasted  into xml as suggested rebooted and still not picking up Conbee.  I think i will  remove VM and start again and insert in xml file before I start VM tomorrow?606229187_Screenshot2021-12-10at23_29_35.png.0b9ba600294c9aa9bcc71ff88304640b.png



    I had it working and then a further HASSOS update broke it again.  Rather than troubleshoot I moved everything over to docker and don't bother with running HA as a VM.  Runs very well now.



    Still happening in 6.10.rc4





    I got the VM started with the new USB XML but afterwards I cant get the integration working`?



    Where do I fix this?

    Have anyone this working?

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