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  1. Hello, I have been using the WebGUI all day today and all of a sudden it has now stopped working. I did not change any setting and assumed a reboot would help it buit it seems to not have been the case. When I go to my domain I can see the login screen, but once I enter my credentials it goes blank. nginx and php log were both empty so I am not sure what could be causing it. I have tried from all of the possible domains (Noth through Unraid Connect and in specific tabs). Only thing that I changed today in server settings was passthing through `dev/dri` for frigate to get GPU accel, but I don't think that should affect anything. Thank you in advance! teo-diagnostics-20230627-0946.zip
  2. Make sure it is not ticked in the UI editor: Click save, then paste the new piece again directly through the XML editor.
  3. Hey, simply add under </memballoon> You can find the ID by going to the terminal and typing in ls /dev/serial/by-id/ you'll see the Conbee there, simply copy that sting and paste it into the XML. Let me know if i have not explained myself well enough
  4. This works, thanks! However, there must've been a change from 6.9.x to 6.10.x that triggered this being necessary, so I'll leave this unresolved for now.
  5. Hello, Since 6.10.0-rc1 a USB device I have passed through to a HASSIO VM (deCONZ Conbee II) has stopped working, with Home Assistant not being able to establish a connection although it does appear in the system. This worked fine in 6.9.2 and also works fine when passed into a HASS Docker, a new VM with a brand new install did not solve the issue either and a different Conbee II which is also working fine does not work when passed into the VM. Steps to reproduce: Plug in Conbee II, pass-through to VM, attempt to communicate (/dev/serial/by-id/...). Any help would be appreciated. Please let me know if you need more info. Thanks! edit: Also happening in safe mode and 6.10.0-rc2d neo-diagnostics-20210829-1721.zip
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