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  • [6.9.2] ://server/Docker/ - rebuild container loop

    • Annoyance


    I would call this an edge-case, and just annoyance level of a bug - however I found this to be very annoying when caught in it. The Unraid webui, TOWER/Docker/, can be thrown into a refresh-loop - causing a number of page functions to stop working, or greyed-out, while the UI waits for the loop/task to stop.  This was found trying to setup a VPN-client container and pointing a Torrent client container to the VPN container.



     When a Docker container fails to be edited/created (the container becomes orphaned) - expected behavior. If a container is linked to another container, such as using 'extra parameter' "--net=container:nordvpn" that container becomes dependent on the linked container - expected behavior.  If the required container is edited/updated the other container also updates - expected behavior.


    If the required-container is edited incorrectly and fails creation/update the container becomes orphaned; Docker/webui notices the dependency-container has changed and attempts to update other container.  However the second container fails to update, because the dependency-container has been orphaned - The Unraid Webui gets stuck in a loop trying to rebuild the container. 


    Only way I found to stop this loop is to try and remove the second container; afterwards hit refresh button on web browser; and then remake both containers.  On two occasions I was unable to remove the second container, and had to go into Settings and stop/start Docker completely.



    0* From APP store-plugin grab:




    1* Per instructions from nordvpn - Overview:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znSu_FuKFW0

        * Edit Transmission container settings:

              * Disabled network

              * 'Extra Parameters:'  == '--net=container:nordvpn'

              * APPLY  (webui)


    2* Edit  Nordvpn container

        * Make a change and save which will cause an error in updating/rebuilding the container and cause the container image to orphan (I did this as I was trying things to troubleshoot and get VPN-bittorrent to actually work).

           Example to cause container update failure:  'Extra Parameters:'  == '--device /dev/net/tun --cap-add=NET_ADMIN,SYS_ADMIN'

        * APPLY (webui)


     The update to Nordvpn should have failed; taking user back to TOWER/Docker where the system attempts to rebuild Transmission and is stuck in a loop. This loop continues until the user removes the Transmission container, and hits the refresh button in web browser.  



    I hope I outlined the issue enough to be useful, if there's something which needs better explanation let me know.

    Please move this post if it's in the wrong thread.

    Have a good one everyone!


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    I had this same issue happen today while also trying to route the network for one container through another container. In my case the rebuilding was looping so fast that it would freeze up the web interface which made trying to fix the problem nearly impossible. 


    Even trying to remove the container from terminal didn't work. It was still stuck in the rebuild loop. 

    Edited by WalkerJ
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    Still happens on 6.11.5. I have the following setup:


    container A, B, C, ...

    (network none, custom network option set to pass through container X)


    container X


    Whenever container X automatically updates (Docker auto-update), container A, B, C and all others that route through X fail to come online. Going into the Docker tab shows rebuilding for about three seconds, before the containers all come online. But the bug here is that the UnRAID logo remains in the center as a loading indicator, and the page refreshes over and over again as UnRAID keeps restarting the dependent containers over and over again. At this point the loop can be broken by stopping JavaScript execution with the X button and refreshing the tab. Then everything will work.


    But this workaround is very annoying to do every time container X updates. Hoping for a fix to this bug!

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    On 4/23/2023 at 3:18 AM, ericswpark said:

    At this point the loop can be broken by stopping JavaScript execution with the X button and refreshing the tab. Then everything will work.

    Can confirm, I have the same problem and this is the workaround that works for me.

    (I am also on 6.11.5 and still seeing this bug)

    Edited by almus
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    On 4/23/2023 at 3:18 AM, ericswpark said:

    Still happens on 6.11.5. I have the following setup:


    container A, B, C, ...

    (network none, custom network option set to pass through container X)


    container X


    Whenever container X automatically updates (Docker auto-update), container A, B, C and all others that route through X fail to come online. Going into the Docker tab shows rebuilding for about three seconds, before the containers all come online. But the bug here is that the UnRAID logo remains in the center as a loading indicator, and the page refreshes over and over again as UnRAID keeps restarting the dependent containers over and over again. At this point the loop can be broken by stopping JavaScript execution with the X button and refreshing the tab. Then everything will work.


    But this workaround is very annoying to do every time container X updates. Hoping for a fix to this bug!

    Hi! I came across your post as I am having the same issue. I am fairly new to Unraid and was wondering what you mean by "by stopping JavaScript execution with the X button and refreshing the tab"?
    Thanks for any info!

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    @velvetpants0124 when JS scripts are running, the refresh button on your browser will change to an X button, which you can press to stop the execution. Then you can press the refresh button so that the browser loads a page without the bug.

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