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  1. Information and method is appreciated, but could we please get the instructions also be provided in text form, so as not to sit/skip through 11min video? More of a general request/observation w/ Spaceinvader post(s) in general.
  2. Was bored, saw your post did some digging. I've never passed a device to a docker before, or used SageTV Containers, but found other containers which have done this -- I figure it's got to be similar. From a Docker command line perspective I think you want to use your system's equivalent to: --device=/dev/dvb \ From a generic Docker template stand-point I think you're wanting to "add device" to Docker template, or perhaps the Docker template already has one added? Here's an unraid forum for tvheadend which has some code box/snips for --device; might give you pointers on how it gets done (from a 'high-level' general idea stand point): https://forums.unraid.net/topic/44872-support-binhex-tvheadend/ Not the silver-bullet, I'm guessing, you were looking for but some pointers to the direction you were looking for.
  3. I have about the same perspective, although I don't use unassigned drive for this (good idea though). Now that multiple-cache pools is a thing, I could see myself setting up a modest spinner drive as a cache drive for my BT share. Using an SSD as a cache drive for BT would be a hard-pass for me.
  4. This looks like a fun way to break my system, time to make a few redundant backups of my flash-drive. Thanks for posting all of this.
  5. Hey, thanks for reading and trying to help me out, I appreciate the example. I've since resolved my issue by changing the Docker containers I use, streamlined things for my given task-set. I wasn't sure how helpful it would be, but thought maybe it held some insight for you - described symptoms seemed the same/similar to me. But that's all I presently got. GL Have a good one everyone.
  6. [BACKGROUND:] I would call this an edge-case, and just annoyance level of a bug - however I found this to be very annoying when caught in it. The Unraid webui, TOWER/Docker/, can be thrown into a refresh-loop - causing a number of page functions to stop working, or greyed-out, while the UI waits for the loop/task to stop. This was found trying to setup a VPN-client container and pointing a Torrent client container to the VPN container. [ISSUE:] When a Docker container fails to be edited/created (the container becomes orphaned) - expected behavior. If a container is linked to another container, such as using 'extra parameter' "--net=container:nordvpn" that container becomes dependent on the linked container - expected behavior. If the required container is edited/updated the other container also updates - expected behavior. If the required-container is edited incorrectly and fails creation/update the container becomes orphaned; Docker/webui notices the dependency-container has changed and attempts to update other container. However the second container fails to update, because the dependency-container has been orphaned - The Unraid Webui gets stuck in a loop trying to rebuild the container. Only way I found to stop this loop is to try and remove the second container; afterwards hit refresh button on web browser; and then remake both containers. On two occasions I was unable to remove the second container, and had to go into Settings and stop/start Docker completely. [STEPS TO REPRODUCE ISSUE:] 0* From APP store-plugin grab: nordvpn transmission 1* Per instructions from nordvpn - Overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znSu_FuKFW0 * Edit Transmission container settings: * Disabled network * 'Extra Parameters:' == '--net=container:nordvpn' * APPLY (webui) 2* Edit Nordvpn container * Make a change and save which will cause an error in updating/rebuilding the container and cause the container image to orphan (I did this as I was trying things to troubleshoot and get VPN-bittorrent to actually work). Example to cause container update failure: 'Extra Parameters:' == '--device /dev/net/tun --cap-add=NET_ADMIN,SYS_ADMIN' * APPLY (webui) The update to Nordvpn should have failed; taking user back to TOWER/Docker where the system attempts to rebuild Transmission and is stuck in a loop. This loop continues until the user removes the Transmission container, and hits the refresh button in web browser. --EOF I hope I outlined the issue enough to be useful, if there's something which needs better explanation let me know. Please move this post if it's in the wrong thread. Have a good one everyone! hydra-diagnostics-20210603-1246.zip
  7. It appears that you aren't the only one: https://github.com/bubuntux/nordvpn/issues/75 Question of my own, what's the syntax format for the "Location" variable? I tried to use: "us8297.nordvpn.com" which resulted in, "[Warning] could not determine server tag" and "[Error] picking servers: no servers found" in the log window. If I leave the "Location" variable empty (let the docker/app auto-detect the server) the log stops at "Connecting..." 2021-06-03T10:01:46-05:00] Firewall is up, everything has to go through the vpn [2021-06-03T10:01:46-05:00] Enabling connection to secure interfaces [2021-06-03T10:01:46-05:00] Enabling connection to nordvpn group [2021-06-03T10:01:46-05:00] Enabling connection to docker network [2021-06-03T10:01:46-05:00] Enabling connection to network [2021-06-03T10:01:46-05:00] Restarting the service [2021-06-03T10:01:46-05:00] Waiting for the service to start [2021-06-03T10:01:47-05:00] Logging in [2021-06-03T10:01:53-05:00] Setting up NordVPN Version 3.9.5 CyberSec is already set to 'disabled'. DNS is set to ',,' successfully. Technology is already set to 'OpenVPN'. Subnet is whitelisted successfully. Subnet is whitelisted successfully. Port 9091 (UDP|TCP) is whitelisted successfully. Port 54321 (UDP|TCP) is whitelisted successfully. [2021-06-03T10:01:53-05:00] Connecting... Just edited the container, adding environment variable DEBUG=on; no new information. [2021-06-03T10:10:09-05:00] Firewall is up, everything has to go through the vpn [2021-06-03T10:10:09-05:00] Enabling connection to secure interfaces [2021-06-03T10:10:09-05:00] Enabling connection to nordvpn group [2021-06-03T10:10:09-05:00] Enabling connection to docker network [2021-06-03T10:10:09-05:00] Enabling connection to network [2021-06-03T10:10:09-05:00] Restarting the service [2021-06-03T10:10:09-05:00] Waiting for the service to start [2021-06-03T10:10:10-05:00] Logging in [2021-06-03T10:10:21-05:00] Setting up NordVPN Version 3.9.5 CyberSec is already set to 'disabled'. DNS is set to ',,' successfully. Technology is already set to 'OpenVPN'. Subnet is whitelisted successfully. Subnet is whitelisted successfully. Port 9091 (UDP|TCP) is whitelisted successfully. Port 54321 (UDP|TCP) is whitelisted successfully. Protocol: UDP Firewall: enabled Kill Switch: disabled CyberSec: disabled Obfuscate: disabled Notify: disabled Auto-connect: disabled DNS:,, Whitelisted ports: 9091 (UDP|TCP) 54321 (UDP|TCP) Whitelisted subnets: [2021-06-03T10:10:21-05:00] Connecting... [2021-06-03T10:10:21-05:00] Setting up NordVPN Version 3.9.5 CyberSec is already set to 'disabled'. DNS is set to ',,' successfully. Technology is already set to 'OpenVPN'. Subnet is whitelisted successfully. Subnet is whitelisted successfully. Port 9091 (UDP|TCP) is whitelisted successfully. Port 54321 (UDP|TCP) is whitelisted successfully. Protocol: UDP Firewall: enabled Kill Switch: disabled CyberSec: disabled Obfuscate: disabled Notify: disabled Auto-connect: disabled DNS:,, Whitelisted ports: 9091 (UDP|TCP) 54321 (UDP|TCP) Whitelisted subnets: [2021-06-03T10:10:21-05:00] Connecting... If I open the console for the Nordvpn container, and type the CLI: "curl ifconfig.io" the reported IP address is NOT my WAN IP, but appears to be a NORD server/node: However, when I open my Transmission docker container (modified per spaceinvader video - 97%-certain it's correctly modified). The Webui is unable to reach Transmission backend (server not found). Per the Docker documentation I added an environmental-variable 'PORTS'='9091,54321' -- this change allowed me to access the Transmission-webgui. Anyone have ideas on how to resolve or further troubleshoot? EDITED: I think figured out my issue; NordVPN everything was working normally, but Transmission only had the tunnel and not an IP address, so when I tried to access it from web-browser the errors were from cached info from previous changes in settings. I couldn't figure out how to resolve the issue, so I changed programs, moved to binhex-delugevpn. Have a good one everyone.
  8. Full disclaimer, I'm not an expert, however I did notice you're using q35-5.0 machine type in your VM's-XML; my w10-vm uses pc-i440fx and it was just last week I upgraded from 6.8.3 to 6.9.1 without issue. Perhaps this is part of your boot issue? Why it would have been working while Unraid was 6.8.3 versus 6.9.x I do not know, but (on my system) starting a new "Windows 10" template the machine type defaults to the i440fx type. Are there specifics why you're using q35 machine type (I'm just curious)? ... Never mind, I just made a VM with q35 machine type and it booted up no issue, so ignore my ignorance about machine types - but perhaps that's playing into things? (again IDK just grasping at "plausables" ideas to test and troubleshoot) Last line of your log screen shot showed it couldn't reset 0000:lf.5 which I think is the controller you stubbed out? (last screen shot, still learning new 6.9.x features - haven't played enough) Perhaps trying to uncheck that controller, reboot and give the VM another try? Probably not that useful info, but if it was me I would investigate/troubleshoot that device next. GL
  9. I think that's a great summation. I love Unraid but if I needed a straight up NAS solution I'd take a hard look at FreeNAS (and Synology). I had a DM chat with a FreeNAS user on Imgur; I was impressed with a few FreeNAS features, but the BSD-hypervisor was badly lacking in comparison to Unraid's/Linux-KVM (which makes Unraid the winner for my use-cases). Okay, I'm done beating the dead horse. Have a good one, everyone.
  10. I know the original post is old, but this could very well not be of any fault of Unraid or pass-through. I've seen 100% disk usage on Window10 systems all the time, at my shop. Typically you can click on Processes tab, and then sort by disk usage. Often times I've found Window services to be the culprit (indexing/searching, WMI, fault-reporting/diagnostics). Other times it's a combination of dirty file system; windows files; registry; or multiple installed antivirus applications. Easy first things to try: 1. Run from Admin-command prompt: chkdsk /f /x c: Say yes to the prompt, then restart your VM/Windows. This will check/repair the file system. If you suspect your drive has bad blocks use: chkdsk /R /X C: But this will take longer. 2. Next from Admin-command prompt: sfc /scannow This can be a hit or miss utility, in all meanings. If it finds and fixes errors. Reboot Windows and re-run command; if it comes back saying no errors it worked the first time. If it says it found errors, again, it won't be able to repair what it finds. 3. If Search indexer service is going crazy, it could be the index is corrupt. To reset the search index (if it's on): Open "Control Panel" - change it to icon view. Click on "Indexing Options" Click on "Advanced" Click on the "Rebuild" button and click OK. 4. If the diagnostics and feedback service is spiking you can try: Open "Settings" from Windows button. Click on "Privacy" Click on "Diagnostics & feedback" Scroll towards bottom click on "Delete" button for "Delete diagnostic data" and set "Feedback frequency" to "Never." Run Disk Cleanup as administrator - Thumbnails, Recycle bin, and downloads are optional purge everything else. I have more suggestions/steps but given this is an 1-year old post, and the my next batch of suggestions carry greater amounts of risk I'll hold off for now.
  11. Jcloud


    I'd bet a five'r the Dev's have this on their radar, but just in case... Saw this on Slashdot, The popular article and CVE-2019-14899 (from pop-article); noticed it mentions WireGuard (6.8-rc#s), and OpenVPN (number of Docker's in CA Store). The experts can figure out what can/should be done about it. Hope everyone is having a good week.
  12. I haven't tried to run a camera server off of Unraid yet, but I've thought about it (would like to at some point). So, I have no experience but my first thought was also the Unassigned drives plugin.
  13. Post is getting old, but I need to stay awake at work. My specs are in the link of my signature, although it's a bit out-dated, I've updated my cache drive, swapped some drives in array (upped capacity), and in process of removing last Icy Dock bay for a Super Micro unit. Cache is 2TB ssd; storage capacity is about 42TB; RTX 2070 & GTX1050 for VM's; Tripplite UPS (not luck getting it work with APC UPS plugin - so really helps with brownouts, line-conditioning, and clean shutdown IF I'm there). Currently running Unraid 6.8.0-rc4. Docker Apps: Runs on Array startup: Task-1 media gathering - Sonarr, Coach Potato, and Transmission. Task-2 media serving - Plex Media server; stream to a Raspberry PI3 Plex client at home, a friend's Roku at their home, and I use it with various Plex client-apps when I'm away from house. Start on-demand: Task-3 video encoder - Handbrake; run when I need/want to re-encode video, strip out audio tracks and/or subtittles. Task-4 notebook - Dokuwiki. Task-5 GUI file management for array - Dolphin, DupeGuru, QDirStat (later two are hardly used). Task-6 e-Doc library - Calibre, once I figure out how to white-list access to this service on my WAN, I'll run it all the time to share library to friend who's sharing my Plex. VM's (In general to tinker around with an OS I'm curious about): Daily driver & "primary gaming rig" - Windows 10, build 1809, allocated 32GB of RAM, 4 cpu-cores and their HT's (8 vcpu's), RTX2070, KB & mouse, game-pad, and USB3 controller for some USB ports for VM. MISC OTHER-VM's (usually started on-demand): Another Win10 with VNC - (can't recall allocations, basically 16GB of RAM and 12+ vcpu's) for generating Rainbow tables - out of boredom and curiosity (started when I was playing with Kali Linux distro). Another Win10 based template for testing Gandalf’s Windows 10PE x64 Redstone 5 Another 0-4 Linux based VM's, trying to find a distro I like and try and learn some proficiency with Linux; lately I've been playing around with Arch and Manjaro distros. A Hackintosh VM - Saw @SpaceInvaderOne MacInaBox Docker, so I played around with that for a little bit. I haven't yet, but could see myself later, using Docker to setup/run a game server.
  14. This is roughly my setup I'm using. Plex Docker (Plex's official container from CA Apps), allocated four CPU threads - basically 1-4 streams in theory (Threadripper / no gpu), Streaming to a Raspberry Pi3 - RasPlex, pushing out 1080p on local network; however pushing over the internet my Plex clients get 720p - set on purpose due to limited upstream bandwidth. Media is MKV, some mp4, mostly H.264 encoding some H.265, file sizes 2 - 14GB; I've found the RP3 tends to choke on my H.265 media as it gets directplayed and not transcoded (RPi3 doesn't have the hardware to do H.265 decoding native). A friend of mine has Roku with Plex, which he streams from my library all the time. Edit: added some pictures of my config, in case it helps. First picture you can see I've allocated some free CPU threads to container; I've also pointed the container's /transcode folder to Unraid's ram-drive /tmp - although with 16GB of ram for your system you might want to test that. Next two are from inside Plex Server configs; transcoder directory matching container config and setting max simultaneous video transcode to number of CPU threads I allocated to container.
  15. I've seen this at work, customer's computer (native Windows install - not a VM). It's case of bad video drivers, and Chrome has hardware acceleration turned on. You might even notice some of Windows boxes, some of the buttons might have X through them. I would try going into Device Manager, uninstall the Graphics Driver (delete driver files check-box) then re-install drivers; should only have to do it once, if you find you need to do it multiple times I'd guess some bad hardware or drivers.
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