Important: please upgrade to the latest available stable release first, and if the bug/defect still exists please continue...
In the Summary: field, please put the exact version of unRAID OS you are running inside brackets. For example:
[6.2.1] <your topic>
In Detailed Description please include as much information as possible in your report, including HOW TO REPRODUCE.
Please visit Tools/Diagnostics and attach the file to your post.
Plugins: A number of issues that can occur on a system could be the result of installed plugins that are not officially supported by Lime Technology. Issues with plugins should be discussed in their respective forums and not posted here for repair. If you're using ANY plugins on your system, please reboot in Safe Mode and see if the issue you're having still exists. If so, post a report, but if not, try adding plugins back one by one until the issue occurs again. Then report the issue in the relevant plugin thread.
Bare Metal Only: Due to resource constraints we cannot spend any time on issues where unRAID OS is running in a Virtual Machine of any kind.
Important: off-topic, useless or defamatory posts may be deleted without warning.
Edited by limetech
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