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  • Unraid Dashboard fails to render properly at high resolution

    • Annoyance

    This is for the dashboard page - @4k resolution

    Simply at the top of the css (for example default-gray.css)

    @media (max-width:1280px){#template{min-width:1260px;max-width:1260px;margin:0}}
    @media (min-width:1281px){#template{min-width:1260px;margin:0}}
    @media (min-width:1921px){#template{min-width:1260px;max-width:1920px;margin:0 auto}}


    Add something like this below it (basically, just allow for resolutions (much) larger than 1920-


    @media (min-width:2880px){#template{min-width:2200px;max-width:2400px;margin:0 auto}}
    @media (min-width:3160px){#template{min-width:2800px;max-width:3000px;margin:0 auto}}
    @media (min-width:4200px){#template{min-width:3700px;max-width:4000px;margin:0 auto}}

    Pick your numbers appropriately, but there need to be larger templates.  I cant recall the values I specifically used, they should be based on standard resolutions I guess, but should permit 2K, 4K/1.5, 4K/1.25, 4K, 8K/1.5, 8K/1.25


    If the above numbers dont make sense, they are for native resolutions in hardware, and OS based scaling  factors.  8K/2 = 4k and 4K/2=2k so the 2.0 scaling can be neglected.  It gets more complicated with the browser scaling, but just permitting X dimensions larger than 1920 fixes everything.


    Otherwise the third column falls underneath (and to the right) of the middle column due to the other flexible rendering options.  


    I played with this for a long time, and this is the simple fix.

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    There is also the Dynamix Unlimited Width Plugin that completely removes the max widths and uses the entire width of the browser regardless of width.

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