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Posts posted by catapultam_habeo

  1. Can we get java 8 included in this image for older versions of MC?

    Nevermind, it is there already, Crafty just doesn't see it as an alternative java version. Maybe that could be fixed, idk if that's a docker image issue or a crafty issue.




  2. On 3/18/2020 at 5:35 AM, afon said:

    Hello, Thank you for your great job.

    For snapshot disks, it works.

    I can see a list by command "btrfs sub list /mnt/diskN", but it doesn't work via windows 10 access to check the previous version.

    Does it conflict with "Enhanced macOS interoperability" option? If it is, may I just restore the disks to some specific time point?

    And what do we do with the cache drive? Seems there're no snapshot on it.

    Sry, I'm not very good at linux, and do need snapshot function for data safety.

    Thank you so much.

    You probably didn't do Step 1 in the original post.



    On 4/16/2020 at 9:36 AM, Supermillhouse said:

    I have most of this script working but I don't think the arguments are, it looks like the arguments are being treated as a single argument and not as individual arguments. If I echo $#, regardless of how many space separated values I put in it always comes out as 1.


    User Scripts plugin is version 2020.03.19

    I'll check on this. It seems to be working on my local version, but admittedly I don't parse the args, I just set them in the EXCLUDE var directly.

  3. 4 hours ago, binhex said:

    Multiple remote lines are not supported and as you have found out, will be automatically removed

    Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

    I noticed that it isn't supported. I'm asking if things could be rejiggered so that they could be supported? It looks like the reason why it doesn't work is that your init scripts rebuild the remote entry based on dns returns already - can we get a flag to disable this behavior?

  4. Hey Binhex,

    Is there any chance I can get support for passing in a ovpn config with multiple remote options configured? I'd like my geolocation to be randomized within a specified range on vpn start. As it stands, if I use this kind of config, all of the extra remote options are forcibly removed from the file by your startup scripts.

  5. Here is a housekeeping script. By default just deletes empty timestamp directories. Optionally, it can delete snapshots.


    -a purges all snapshots

    -i <Comma seperated list of shares> purges the selected shares. example -i Downloads,Test1,Test2 will purge all snapshots for Downloads, Test1, and Test2.


    shopt -s nullglob
    while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]
    case $key in
        shift # past argument
        shift # past value
        *)    # unknown option
        POSITIONAL+=("$1") # save it in an array for later
        shift # past argument
    set -- "${POSITIONAL[@]}" # restore positional parameters
    #Tokenize include list
    declare -A includes
    for token in ${INCLUDE//,/ }; do
    #iterate over all disks on array
    for disk in /mnt/disk*[0-9]* ; do
     #iterate over each timestamp
     for timestamp in ${disk}/.snapshots/* ; do
      #iterate over each share in the timestamp
      for snap in $timestamp/* ; do
       if [ -n "${includes[$(basename $snap)]}" ] || [ "$ALL" = "YES" ] ; then
        echo "Purging - $snap"
        btrfs subvolume delete $snap
      #check for empty timestamp
      if [ ! "$(ls -A $timestamp)" ] ; then
       echo "Purging empty directory - $timestamp"
       rmdir $timestamp


  6. Hi, this is mostly a WIP thread, but as of the first post it does work up to my relatively limited testing. I plan on expanding this to a fully featured plugin, but this script is a working foundation, and I'd like to make this available to people to play with asap.

    Bottom Line Up Front: This script only works on your btrfs-formatted array drives. By default, it will keep 8760 snapshots (1 year of hourly snapshots), this value can be adjusted by changing the MAX_SNAPS variable in the script. This script does not handle cache drives, but would be trivial to extend to do so - I just think it is a bad idea. Detection of this is minimal but present. Running this script for the first time will remove and recreate all of your existing array shares (moved to temporary path, original path converted to subvolume, moved back), no data should be lost, but I have only tested this with my own data and configuration, and cannot account for all edge cases and I absolutely cannot be held accountable for your data if it is lostNo script is provided to revert these changes.


    Goals: I wanted to have delta snapshot recovery as part of my NAS feature set. FreeNAS is appealing, but I dislike FreeBSD's ecosystem (weird problems with bhyve, don't really need ZFS performance improvements), tried ProxMox and didn't care for it, didn't want to roll my own (likely debian-based) setup, very much like unRAID's GUI and asynchronous drive upgrade process, and wasn't interested in the crazy ZFS-on-unRAID frankenstein config by Wendell at L1T. I noted that unRAID can be configured to use BTRFS, and in theory it should be able to do this, given enough scripting to keep everything in sync. I also want to leverage unRAID's GUI as heavily as possible, and do as little command-line work on the regular as possible. Adding a new drive, creating a new share, etc, should all be possible through the GUI, and this setup should automagically adjust.

    Step 1) Adjust your Settings -> SMB -> SMB Extras field to include the following line. This will publish your snapshots to windows SMB clients as 'previous versions'.

    vfs objects = shadow_copy2

    Notes: This config does work at the global scope (where adding it to extras puts it by default), and will apply to all of your shares. You just don't get to configure any of the other options for this feature. Unfortunately, duplicating the UnRAID team's work to build share configs on the fly is outside of my ambition, so I'm willing to live with that compromise. This is going to get us into an interesting situation, where the only place samba seems to be able to find our snapshots directory is at '/mnt/user/.snapshots'. The directory needs to be created on each storage device and then let unraid aggregate it later, so we are going to do it in the script so we can handle new drives and new shares correctly.

    Step 2) Install the CA Userscripts Plugin. Details of this step are outside the scope of this post.


    Step 3) Settings -> User Scripts. Add New Script. Click on script name to edit it. Add the following code to the script. Adjust MAX_SNAPS to your preference. Schedule it as you desire. Adjust EXCLUDE to your preference.

    Random Notes: This provides some, but minimal protection from ransomware and bit-rot. In particular, ransomware which understands a linux system and actually gets access to the server could purge snapshots.

    Edit 1/6/20: Added options to exclude some shares from being snapshotted. -e\--exclude <Comma seperated list of shortnames>

    #description=This script implements incremental snapshots on btrfs array drives.
    #argumentDescription= -n|--number <MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SNAPSHOTS TO RETAIL>
    #argumentDefault=-s 8760
    shopt -s nullglob #make empty directories not freak out
    date=$(TZ=GMT date +@GMT-%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S) #standardized datestamp
    is_btrfs_subvolume() {
        local dir=$1
        [ "$(stat -f --format="%T" "$dir")" == "btrfs" ] || return 1
        inode="$(stat --format="%i" "$dir")"
        case "$inode" in
                return 0;;
                return 1;;
    while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]
    case $key in
        shift # past argument
        shift # past value
        shift # past argument
        shift # past value
        POSITIONAL+=("$1") # save it in an array for later
        shift # past argument
    set -- "${POSITIONAL[@]}" # restore positional parameters
    #ADJUST MAX_SNAPS to prevent off-by-1
    #Tokenize exclude list
    declare -A excludes
    for token in ${EXCLUDE//,/ }; do
    #iterate over all disks on array
    for disk in /mnt/disk*[0-9]* ; do
    #examine disk for btrfs-formatting (MOSTLY UNTESTED)
     if is_btrfs_subvolume $disk ; then 
      #check for .snapshots directory prior to generating snapshot
      if [ -d "$disk" ]; then
       if [ ! -d "$disk/.snapshots/" ] ; then
        mkdir -v $disk/.snapshots
       if [ ! -d "$disk/.snapshots/$date/" ] ; then
        mkdir -v $disk/.snapshots/$date
     #iterate over shares present on disk
      for share in ${disk}/* ; do
       #test for exclusion
       if [ ! -n "${excludes[$(basename $share)]}" ]; then
        #echo "Examining $share on $disk"
        is_btrfs_subvolume $share
        if [ ! "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
         #echo "$share is likely not a subvolume"
         mv -v ${share} ${share}_TEMP
         btrfs subvolume create $share
         cp -avT --reflink=always ${share}_TEMP $share
         rm -vrf ${share}_TEMP
        #make new snap
        btrfs subvolume snap -r ${share} /mnt/$(basename $disk)/.snapshots/${date}/$(basename $share)
        echo "$share is on the exclusion list. Skipping..."
      #find old snaps
      echo "Found $(find ${disk}/.snapshots/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 | sort -nr | tail -n +$MAX_SNAPS | wc -l) old snaps"
      for snap in $(find ${disk}/.snapshots/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 | sort -nr | tail -n +$MAX_SNAPS); do
       for share_snap in ${snap}/*; do
        btrfs subvolume delete $share_snap
       rm -rfv $snap


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