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Everything posted by Icabus

  1. So I have been working on this for some time now and can't seem to figure this last part out. I want to install a Subversion (SVN) server in Docker on my Server and found elleflorio/svn-server on DockerHub through the CA. I have it pulled and it shows up on the Docker page, but that is were I am getting lost. I have a share setup on the array that I want to map to the docker container, just not sure how to do that without the template (like all the other Dockers I have been using). Also, when I pulled the Docker down using CA, it did not create the folder in the AppData section like it has for all the others., Where did CA put this Docker that it pulled from outside the normal CA area? If anyone has experience with this Docker or can point me in the right direction to getting this running/configured that would be great. All the info I am finding online tells you to just us CA, which is awesome and works great when the docker has been built for UnRaid, but I am not sure how to get the non-UnRaid Dockers setup to work correctly. Thanks again for any advice/support.
  2. I love how easy it is to grow your servers storage capacity. Especially this time of year. I would like to see a native means of remotely connecting to the server from outside the local network. Also would love to have the functionality of easily syncing data on my server with another server off site.
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