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  1. Yep, it has internet on boot, the PiHole is on a separate host so no worries about that. I'll try the reboot, thanks! Edit: reboot seemed to work fine, nvidia-smi reports that the driver has been updated. All good. Thanks for the gentle guidance!
  2. Hi y'all, I'm unable to update the Nvidia plugin & the warning tells me to not reboot until I've fixed it! Just updating from UnRaid 6.11.5 to 6.12.6. Firstly the Nvidia Driver plugin seems to want to download v470.141.03 even though it seems to be on 525.89.02 already? I've checked my Pihole and ad blockers and nothing seems to be blocked. Any ideas please? Maybe I'm missing something obvious Also many thanks for the plugin, I've been using it for a while and this is my first problem with it! mantoplex-diagnostics-20240204-1656.zip
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