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Everything posted by Litlgi

  1. I am having the same problem... But the update did not fix the issue. Says I'm up to date and then the app shuts down.
  2. I think I may have found a workaround... Midnight Commander. It appears that it creates directories and copies to them one-by-one... Which should allow my shares properties (fill-up and split-level) to work properly... I'll know better tomorrow. Thanks
  3. Hello Aaron... I need your help understanding some things... I am just getting over 5 days of the flu so not much progress has occurred on the new server ... Ugh. Ok... So I have 45TBs precleared and set up with basic shares (BluRay, TV_Shows, UHD, DVDs, etc) on the array. I followed space Invaders video on how to move data via krusader... But I have hit a wall. I am using the Fill-Up method with minimum free space as follows... For DVD's, I have minimum free space set to 60GB For Blu-rays, I have minimum free space set to 180GB For UHD, I have minimum free space set to 100GB For TV Series, I have minimum free space set to 100GB I have the split at top level... But Krusader is not functioning as I expected.... When I used FlexRAID... If I had 45TBs of space in my drivepool... I could keep writing files to the share until I reached the capacity of the pool... Files would be automatically written to the next drive once the previous drive had filled to my predetermined limit... This is not happening with Krusader... Depending on what is being written to a drive in a share.... The first disk may fill to capacity and then fail start copying any additional data to the next disk in the share. Does Krusader not see the disks as a pool?... I am copying from share to share... So I don't see that as the problem. Before I had this many drives precleared... I first tried copying the data to a smaller drive pool via Krusader using highwater instead of fill-up. Everything seemed to be working correctly... The drives where filling with data to the highwater point and then moving on to the next disk... That is until I added additional drives to the array... Then the first disk filled to capacity and the copy failed. My old data drives are 2TBs and my new ones are 3TBs... So copying from disk to disk would not be an easy process. Like I said... I was hoping to use Krusader to transfer each disk while automatically filling up each disk in the array. What do you think I am doing wrong? I did notice that Krusader automatically creates the directories and folders before it starts copying data... Maybe this is why the first disk filled to 100%... Thanks for your help John
  4. Files a copying to the array using Krusader... So far so good.
  5. Good morning... The preclear of my first 20 drives have passed without a single error... So far so good. My FlexRAID setup had a single share comprised of multiple directories. The main share was titled Media with individual directories for Blu-ray, 3D, UHD, TV Shows, DVD, Music etc. I'm looking for some advice on the best way to allocate files to drives... while making sure that all the file structure of each Blu-ray only gets written to a single hard drive. Since my files are typically added daily and 25 gigs or larger... It's probably best I keep my drives set up as one JBOD share... vs individual shares for blu-rays, DVDs, TV shows, etc... If it drives fail, I'd like to make sure that only the files on that particular drive are lost... and that there are not parts on any other drive. What do you think? Thanks
  6. I am using a CSE-847E26-RJBOD1. I too was using a modified 846TQ-R900B for many years until the mobo crapped out. When I was using the JBOD with FlexRAID... Because only one drive in the enclosure was being used at a single time... The fans did not need spin at max rpm. I'm sure this will be the case once the array is complete... But for now... The fans sound like a small jet. And the complaints from my wife are getting louder as well. Lol I did find a tutorial in how to control the fans... http://kmwoley.com/blog/controlling-case-fans-based-on-hard-drive-temperature/ but first I must get through the preclear process.
  7. Yes I am... I have it setup so that I am preclearing drives that are at opposite ends of the backplane.... Seems to be working. Any idea on how to increase the number of slots from 30 to 45? Thanks
  8. Well... My FlexRAID restore failed. I lost 78 Blu-ray folders and a bunch of other data. But since I own the Blu-ray disks... It's not a complete loss. Preclear is working well... I am limited to two drives at a time. Anymore than that, the HDD temps go into the warning zone. My JBOD expander fans are capable of cooling the drives to less than 30 degrees Celsius... But the noise from the fans at 6500 rpm is unbearable. I am using a Supermicro CSE-PTJBOD-CB3 controller which has fan control... But the auto fan plugin does not recognize it. Since I will be using Unraid as a media server... It will be unusual for more the one HDD to be active. So the fans should have no problem with the cooling at a less noisy 2500 rpm. But if anyone can point me in the direction of a script to help with fan control... I'd appreciate it. I have a have a week or so more of preclear time before I can start transferring data. Question... Unraid tier 3 says it's capable of unlimited attached storage devices... But in the array device section of the Main tab... The drop down menu of slots only goes to 30. I need 45. How do I fix this? Thanks
  9. Maybe another option? As I mentioned earlier... I'm concerned about the file structure of my files and folders on my flexraid.... Would it be possible for me to leave my Shuttle and JBOD Expander running flexraid... While transferring my files and folders over the network to an older PC running unraid? Although doing it this way, I would be limited to filling up one drive at a time. Then disconnecting it adding another oh, and so on. When finished, would I then be able to take those filled up unraid drives and plug them back into the shuttle system attached to the jbod expander running unraid? PS. Currently rebuilding the sale drive in flexraid... Hopefully that completes without a problem. Thanks again
  10. Thanks Aaron... Were you concerned with... and how did you overcome the issue with files and folders (of one movie or TV show) potentially being on separate drives in flexraid... and not having a complete file structure when transferring one drive at a time to unraid? My new drives will be here tomorrow... I'm going to try to rebuild one failed drive in flexraid before attempting anything with unraid.
  11. It looks like there's a way for me to use my existing Windows 7 OS as a VM in unraid... https://forums.unraid.net/topic/72338-video-guide-how-to-dual-boot-baremetal-windows-and-unraid-then-boot-the-same-windows-as-a-vm/ YES!!!
  12. You are kind of touching what I fear about my FlexRAID setup... I am currently using folder priority... But I am not sure how deep into the folders FlexRAID goes with storing important folder info or files on another drive. So my fears is that I won't be able to transfer folders and files from one FlexRAID disk to an Unraid disk without potentially missing something during the copy and paste procedure. Would I be able to somehow add my existing Windows 7 OS (which has FlexRAID installed) as a VM in Unraid... so that I can start transferring files from the FlexRAID drive pool to the drives to be used in Unraid? Unfortunately... The FlexRAID drives need to stay in the JBOD expander. Which is where I would be adding the new Unraid drives. I have no way of having two separate systems... As I only have access to one JBOD expander. Thanks
  13. Thanks for the reply... Glad to hear you are happy with the switch to Unraid. I know you can remove drives from the FlexRAID drive pool... But since the drive pool will no longer be accessible in Unraid... And I only have one PC to connect to expander... I'm not sure it matters. Or are you saying there is a way to run Flexraid and Unraid on the same machine at the same time? I have about 90TBs of data to move... It's going to be a very, very long process, so I think I'll hold off on starting with parity in the beginning... I plan on keep my old drives as backup. Do you know if I can preclear more than one drive at a time... Or if it's advisable to do so? Thanks again
  14. Thank you very much for the thoughtful reply... I did put Unraid on a thumb drive... When the OS booted... all my drives in my JBOD enclosure were recognized by Unraid via the Dell card. So maybe I don't have to flash the card? I think it is already in IT mode. Would connecting the Blu-ray to the Shuttle PC via USB make the it easier to access in the Windows VM? Writing is not really important to me? I've been reading about preclear... Is it possible and advisable to clear multiple drives at once to speed up the process time? What would be the best and most efficient way to copy data from my 20+ Flexraid drives to Unraid drives? Thanks again.
  15. Thanks for the quick reply... That's already a good start considering the lack luster and now non-existent support if the flexraid community. I've ordered a bunch of drives to copy my media to the new unraid system... I'm a little fearful of wiping out my old drives without a backup. I guess I have to look into what dockers and vms can do... It's probably safe to assume that if Windows can run the software... It should be no problem with it running in VM... such as Ipvanish, uTorrent and JDownloader.? All of my RAID drives (20) are installed in JBOD enclosure.... So I only have one way of connecting to them... And that is via the Shuttle. So s second "test" system really isn't possible right now. Thanks again.
  16. Just had a few questions before I make the decision to purchase. I am coming from a simple media server setup. I used my system for streaming music and video to Zidoo and Dune devices throughout my home. The computer is running Windows 7 Pro via a Shuttle SH67H3 with an i5, 16GB of RAM, integrated graphics, Asus BLU-RAY writer.... the PC is connected to a 4U 45-Bay SAS2 SATA SC847E26-RJBOD via a Dell H200E 6Gbps SAS HBA Dual-Port External Controller. The drive pool and parity are controlled by FlexRAID. One of my 2TB HGST drives, after 12 years, has failed. And since FlexRAID support no longer exists, I "hoping" to replace and rebuild the drive with a new one with FlexRAID, before I make the move to Unraid. My requirements are pretty simple I think... At the very minimum, I need to be able to use my Shuttle (in some form) to run Windows 7 as I have before. I'd still need to use my existing BLU-RAY drive to rip (MakeMKV and ClownBD) BLU-RAYs and UHDs and save them to the drive pool of the external JBOD. Would I just be installing Windows 7 as a VM and controlling it from another PC via RDP? Would the VM have access to the BLU-RAY drive? Or is there a simpler solution? Thanks so much, John
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