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Everything posted by habeme

  1. Hello, I was running into the same problems @skois and @blaine07 after a CODE / collabora update. Finding the solution was a pretty frustrating journey and was buried in a forum post somewhere far along the trail. I could not find the solution in here either, but I might have read over it as the search options on this forum are not optimal, so please correct me if this a double post. THIS is what worked for me: post collabora/code: versions there have been some changes that need to be adjusted in your nginx collabora config, and in your advanced settings in your docker template. Change in appdata\letsencrypt\nginx\proxy-confs\collabora.subdomain.conf all instances of: "loleaflet" to "browser" "lool" to "cool" Change docker template in advance view: Web UI "https://[IP]:[PORT:9980]/loleaflet/dist/admin/admin.html" to ""https://[IP]:[PORT:9980]/browser/dist/admin/admin.html"