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Posts posted by exdox77

  1. I am trying to replace two drives in the array. sdm is the parity drive. sdi and sdj are the new drives replacing two others that i have already taken out. when i go to array operation i get a message stating disk in parity slow is not biggest. but the disk is exact same disk as the two new ones. they were spares. i have already cleared the drives. do i need to format the drive before adding it to the array?



  2. I accidentally selected the wrong preserve settings and lost my array config. I did not back up manually since I am connected to Unraid Connect. Is there a way to go back in Connect to get a config from a previous day? Is there a way to restore the previous settings for the array? I have an image of the array prior to this happening, but it says all data will be lost if the array is started. 

  3. 3 hours ago, BRiT said:

    It could just be bios settings for the memory. So try that first, making sure all overclocking options are disabled

    No OC settings have ever been enabled. The system has been running for years without issues with no changes to the BIOS. The memtest failed out because of too many errors. Running memtest on the new memory now. 

  4. Yesterday I spent most of the recovering from my cache drive filesystem becoming read only. I recovered and created a new pool with another brand new drive. Moved everything over and everything was working fine. This morning I woke up to the filesystem in the brand drive read only. I am at a loss to why this keeps happening, this is the third time this past couple of months this has happened.


    I have attached the diagnostics. I do want to mentioned that if I reboot Unraid and restart the array, things work fine for awhile. 


  5. 6 hours ago, ich777 said:

    What kind of files are you transcoding? Are you sure that the 960 is capable of transcoding the file.


    Keep in mind that the "older" Nvidia cards have problrms with some HEVC formats...


    If it's a HEVC file then try a h264 file instead if that also doesn't work.

    I figured it out, it was a config in one of the plugins that I needed to tell it to use the GPU. Working pretty well now.

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  6. 8 hours ago, ich777 said:

    Please open up a console and can you give me the output from 'nvidia-smi'?


    Can you also send me a secreenshot from the container template itself (with Advanced View turned on)?


    Everything seems to look correct from configuration, unless I am missing something. 

    Extra Parameters = --runtime=nvidia




    Also note that Tdar is currently transcoding with the GPU selected and there is no GPU activity using nvidia-smi.

    Screen Shot 2021-06-03 at 8.48.20 AM.png

    Screen Shot 2021-06-03 at 8.50.37 AM.png

    Screen Shot 2021-06-03 at 8.50.27 AM.png

  7. I have noticed recently that GPU transcoding isn't work in Plex. I also tried GPU transcoding in Tdarr and Tdarr was using a lot of CPU. I have been using GPU on Plex for months now with no issues. I am on Unraid 6.9.2 with Nvidia driver 460.80. I am not sure when GPU transcoding stopped working. 


    I tried removed the variables from the template and adding them. I tried rebooting Unraid and downloading new versions. I cannot seem to get Plex or any container to use GPU.

  8. I am migrating from docker compose to unraid and I had originally had command line arguments in my docker compose file and I am not sure how to get those into an unraid image.



    This is an example:

    command: # CLI arguments

    - --global.checkNewVersion=true

    - --global.sendAnonymousUsage=true

    - --entryPoints.http.address=:80

    - --entryPoints.https.address=:443

    command: # CLI arguments
          - --global.checkNewVersion=true
          - --global.sendAnonymousUsage=true
          - --entryPoints.http.address=:80
          - --entryPoints.https.address=:443


  9. Nope, others kept telling me to add a route on the host but couldn't figure out how to do it and no one really wanted to help. Then work got a little busy. I moved it to the docker network again but the unifi devices didn't like that it couldn't see the controller so i moved it back to the main network. So not sure what is up.

  10. I originally had it on t2_proxy and then all my unifi devices lost access to the controller. So i moved it back to br0 and the devices connected again. Very strange behavior. I recently moved it back thinking that now I was done reconfiguring everything that it would be fine in t2_proxy. But l traefik still couldn't connect, but gave a 404 error this time and with no log data. 

  11. I have been toying around with Docker and Docker Compose lately and I finally got Traefik setup to reverse proxy all my containers to their own docker network. However, I have one container I was not able to put into the docker container network and sits outside of the docker network. It looks like I can still use Traefik to forward traffic to this container but when the request comes in the traefik container logs state "no route to host". 


    I assume this is because the internal docker networks do not see other networks and are isolated. My questions is, how do it expose the docker networks to other non-docker networks?

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